Sunday, March 30, 2014

Teaching idea #169

If we have something interesting to do, we will not be miserable.

Teaching idea #152,153,154,155,156

152. The GREAT LIE: Circumstances determines our inner state.
153. If we determine that we're in charge, then the circumstances are insignificant.
154. Suggestion tells us that circumstances determine our inner state.
155. As long as we blame circumstances for our inner state, they are insurmountable.
156. Our #1 job is to make a total commitment to be responsible for our inner state of being. It is the most valuable commitment we make. Without doing this, everything else is nothing.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Teaching idea #108

A need only exists when we are resisting something.

Teaching idea #107

Resistance to what is is the only problem everybody has. It is THE PROBLEM. When we are free to experience what is, we end all resistance. Everything is interesting.

Teaching idea #106

We don't seek for truth. We look for illusions. When we have seen an illusion for what it is, we have seen the Truth of the matter.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Letters from Rhondell

According to history available, mankind used to seek his food and clothing by hunting and gathering. He took what he could find. If there was an abundance of edible plants and animals, they got along fairly well. If, due to adverse weather situations the plants and animals were scarce, they suffered.
Gradually various ones (probably the lazy ones) had an insight to be cultivators instead of just gatherers. They even thought up irrigation. This allowed more free time and a more constant supply of food. This in turn made possible the domestication of animals. One cannot domesticate an animal without feeding it.
Only in recent times has mankind begun to think in terms of cultivating desirable states of health or well being instead of treating illness. Illness is seen as an attack on the person from an unseen force.
Since a few have begun to see illness as a normal adaptation to a stressful lifestyle, it has been found that one can cultivate a desirable state of health or well being.
One's state of well being is balanced to one's environment, inner feeling, activity, and nutrition.
To have a lower amount of stress in one's everyday living usually requires at least some change in one's lifestyle. For instance, it requires an aim and practice to have a desirable inner feeling at all times. Much of each newsletter is devoted to this idea. At least some self discipline is required to have a somewhat optimum activity - some balance between work, play, and rest. Considerable self discipline is required to have a more or less optimum state of nutrition.
None of this lifestyle change is difficult, except deciding to do so. One only uses common sense, not faddism.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What's going on here page 7

Addiction Part two

To understand addiction it is necessary to have working knowledge of adaptation in the human. Adaptation is the real survival. If for instance, one takes into the body a noxious substance on a continuing basis, the first attempt of the living organism is to eliminate the substance by vomiting, extra excretion, rapid oxidation. However, if the substance is taken repeatedly, the living organism adapts by creating an antidote, not only when the substance is taken in, but when the substance is expected.
Now the need for the substance is required by the body to restore balance to the antidote. This produces the craving and the compulsion to continue the substance. This is addiction.
The same process works for internal secretions, hormones produced in the body in response to emotional states, resulting in a constant repetition of the behavior patterns regardless of circumstances from outside of the body.
All addiction lowers the well being of the person and the natural ability to just enjoy living. As stated before, the recognition that one is addicted is the start towards freedom. No doubt it is easier to be aware of addiction to substances from outside than it is to recognize that one is addicted to internally produced hormones, such as those produced when one is angry or worried, or anxious, or complaining, or disgusted, or finding fault, etc., etc.
 However, conditioning has resulted in many of us seeing almost all situations as dangerous and the ability to imagine things has given the conditioned person many situations that only exist in thought, to be in an emergency feeling state. Further, it seems to be that most persons feel that they are entitled to have all wants gratified at once, or else feel that they are being mistreated and denied their natural right of being totally non-disturbed; this leads to all kinds of addictions.X

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What's going on here page 5/6

Addiction, Part One

All those who spend their time working with people-problems sooner or later recognize that the whole human problem of misery is the problem of addiction.
Everyone is, of course, aware of addiction in cases of drug addiction, alcohol addiction, nicotine addiction. As serious as these addictions are, they are merely the top of the iceberg, so to speak. Most addictions aren't recognized by the person addicted, their friends nor family, nor society as a whole, nor by the people-serving professions.
First let their be consideration of what addiction is, how it may be recognized. Addiction is the human condition when something is craved and a justification is found to justify the craving. The person will go to great lengths to gratify it, and it must be repeated constantly. The person so addicted never seems to recognize that they are addicted; it's just something that is enjoyed, just human nature, etc., etc.
Addiction can be recognized by the objective observer by simply seeing that there is a constant pattern to the person's activity. It can easily be seen that the person is continually buying the gratification for their addiction with all their reserves, their health, peace of mind, and in the end with their life.
Now for some addictions not usually recognized as addictions but which fit all the criteria of addiction. Please note that all of these have the same signs of addiction as alcohol and drugs.

ATTENTION Just look about to see how many spend all their resources, their energy, their time; then neglect their family, their business and their health in their attempt to gratify the addiction to attention.
BEING A VICTIM Just look; no matter what's going on the person proves self to be a victim, repeating life situations wherein they are beaten, abused, mistreated, frustrated. When one has certain emotions, corresponding hormones are produced in the body, and one becomes addicted to the presence of the hormones and produces circumstances to produce these hormones--plainly addicted.
COMPLAINING Same as above. The person finds all sorts of things to complain about while saying,"I'm not complaining, BUT..."
FAULT FINDING Same as being a victim.
EATING DISORDERS Same as Attention. Addiction to dieting, fasting, eating. ("I'm a victim of food")
SELF-CONDEMNATION A variation of the Attention and Victim syndromes.
INFERIORITY FEELING Same as self-condemnation; a variation of Justification.
DISCRIMINATION SYNDROME A common variation of the Victim addiction. "I'm discriminated against because of sex, race, religion, occupation," etc. etc. Very common.
DISTRACTION Must have constant distraction, noise, music, sex as entertainment, taste for some substance. The start of most chemical addiction.
WORK Attention, Victim, and Complaining. "It all depends on me."
EXERCISE Combination of getting attention and addiction to the chemical changes in the body produced by intense activity.
BEING SICK Combination of Attention and Victim.
This could go on with enough material for a textbook but this is enough for the present.
Now what can be done about it?
Before the person addicted can do anything about the misery-producing situation, there must be recognition that one is addicted. This is the first step. Without recognition, nothing can be done. Once it is recognized by the person addicted, real work can be done very quickly. But without that recognition, nothing can be done. X

Saturday, March 8, 2014

What's going on here? by Rhondell from page 3

Bits and pieces from school work

Without a purpose of some sort, conscious or unconscious, one will do absoloutely nothing.

The most valuable asset one can have is a consciously chosen purpose, and the sense of duty to actualize it.

The way of success is "What can I contribute?" NOT "what can I get?"

Which do you spend more time on--"How am I being treated by others?" or "How am I treating others?"

Total inner consideration is called psychotic behavior.

NOW is the precious present that all to often is not valued.

Everyone wants longer life and more abundant living. However, few make the most of every moment. If one is out of present time 50% of the time, that one's life is cut by 50%.

Now has no beginning or ending, therefore is timeless.

One talent is as valuable to the world as another. A so-called small talent used to it's fullest is of GREAT worth.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What's going on here page 12

Without a purpose of some sort, conscious or unconscious, one will do absolutely nothing.

The most valuable thing a person can have is a consciously chosen purpose, and the sense of duty to actualize it.

The way of success is "What can I contribute?" NOT "What can I get?"

Which do you spend more time on--"How am I being treated by other?" or "How am I treating others?"

Total inner consideration is called psychotic behavior.

Now is the precious present that all too often is not valued.

Everyone wants longer life and more abundant living. However, few make the most of every moment. If one is out of present time 50% of the time, that one's life is cut by 50%.

Now has no beginning or ending, therefore is timeless.

One talent is as valuable to the world as another. A so-called great talent not used is worthless. A so-called small talent used to its fullest is of GREAT worth. X

Monday, March 3, 2014

What's going on here by Rhondell page 12

The Nature of Scripts

A frequent question is asked is, "What is the meant by having a script?" A script is merely the essentials in acting out a consciously chosen role.
The first step is to see that one unconsciously is trying to achieve the Four Dual Basic Urges, because one feels entitled to them, and as one can never have the Four Dual Basic Urges realized more than a very short time now and then, so one feels victimized and thus unknowingly acts and feels the victim role.
To write a script one must choose a new purpose of living. A new purpose is a role. It is best to start with a simple role.; for instance, "My role is that of contributing to a pleasant, harmonious mood." First step in the script/role would be: Seeing that trying to be non-disturbed is futile and only leads to conflict, struggle and resistance, the disintrigrating factor.
Second step is to determine the action and attitude that contribute to pleasant, harmonious mood.
The third step is to start the actual practice of contributing to a pleasant, harmonious mood, whether with others or alone.
Fourth step is to avoid finding fault or feeling guilty when one falls into the old purpose of being non-disturbed, but simply pick up the new role at that point and proceed with practice. This practice can be activated at home, at work, on the telephone, in person--in fact, under any and all circumstances.
All other scripts follow the same outline. X

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Where are Not-I's ?

Many people we talk with seem to feel that the only Not-I's they are ever in contact with are inside. As noisy as the inside ones are, those we are in contact with daily on the outside are just as noisy--and there are many more, as we hear them from everyone we meet.
The Not-I's in people we are in close contact with may try to influence one to feel guilty. Or to feel sorry for someone, to feel that the other is a victim. Some will attempt to make one feel resentful or angry. One very common effort of the Not-I's is causing one to feel obligated to be responsible for the happiness of another. Not recognizing these motivators for what they are --Not-I's busy at what they are  talented to do, make people feel miserable--is to fall asleep.
To recognize them for what they are eliminates much misery, much misunderstanding with persons close to one. When one sees that most defensive feelings and behavior are incited by Not-I's not the real  person one is associated with such feelings and behavior comes to an end, and are replaced with compassion and real caring as well as internal calm.
Seeing all complaining, inner and outer, all defensiveness, inner and outer, all authoritative manner, all putting down of self and others, inner and outer, all blaming, inner and outer, as the dirty work of the Not-I's ends practically all friction in relationships. Then and only then can relationships be the fulfilling situations that everyone is looking for. Note--please don't assume that only self is taken over frequently by the Not-I's. The rest of humanity has the same problem, that's why agape is needful. X

Bits and pieces of school work

The person of understanding never blames.