Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The picture of man

Reno 92 excerpt part one

First we'll talk about a human being. First we'll talk about how you were put together to start with, and what happened to you, okay? So we'll first make one, we'll draw us a picture of man, I'm not an artist so I'll make it a diagram. So first off everybody has a physical body we can see that so we know about that one. Everybody has an awareness function, we can see that also. 'Cause we can tell people respond to us and get out of the way and do various and sundry things we know they're aware. And then there is something can probably be just as elegant we'll call it "X" cause we don't know what it is but we do know that it exists. And X is what takes care of doing things, it keeps us alive. Did you know that? It keeps you alive. Something keeps us going until something happens that X can't handle and then we depart this world. So X is a very essential thing and we want understand how it works. So, we exist in an environment all the way around us, and we receive impressions from the environment. That goes to awareness, we're aware of it. Awareness says what it is and it goes to X. And it doesn't matter whether that impression is absolutely accurate or not or whether it is inaccurate, X operates on it for the information it receives. Remember that one. It works on the information received. And X then sends impulse to the physical body, and we have a function. Now the function may be accurate, it may not be, according on whether the impression was properly assumed. So, we'll say in this one here there is no conditioning and the person sees things as they are in the environment, okay? And then the function would be perfect for the impression received from the environment whatever was going on out there Now, that works day in and day out without our thought of it or anything else, it just goes on, and everything would work pretty well if we were in this state. If the awareness was just an awareness function. But starting very early in childhood, we began to be conditioned with various and sundry ideas. And the first bit of conditioned came from within. So we'll just put a little thing down here that represents the first decision. It was probably made in the first few hours of life if not almost immediately. And it said that the purpose of living is to regain the non disturbed state.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Teaching idea #365

If you try to change conflict, you only increase it. We want to understand conflict. Then it comes to an end.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Teaching idea #33

As long as we feel that have to, must, should, or ought to, we are in conflict. If we do something because we want to, there is no resistance.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Headlines page 47, excerpts

To look at something without associating it with something already known, is to see that "something" as new and fresh: thus allowing creative being.

A creative being is seeing what "I am" - what "I" refers to is in a state of self-knowing.

To be fresh every moment;  to be responding to the something without conditioning is one aspect of being reborn.

Conditioning is responding to this as though it were that; now as though it were then.

When one is awake for a moment, mechanical associating comes to an end. This can be called spiritual living...every moment is the response of spirit to the moment, instead of the reaction of conditioning to something similar in the dead past.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Headlines pages 14,15 excerpts

It seems that many people ask the questions, "Where did I come from?" or "Where am I going." Few ask the vital question, "Where am I?"

By asking the question, "Where am I?" we may see that man is a privileged, invited guest in a beautiful estate called the earth and that life is the host. Seeing this would enable us to see that everything one does is for the host. We might also see that the host has always provided food, clothing and shelter through one channel or another ever since we have been at the party. The host apparently finds all his invited guests interesting, because he did not ask anyone's approval of the guest list. Further, we brought nothing with us to the party and those who leave do not take anything with them. Finally, we may discover that a lot of games are being played and theses games can be played consciously.

Would it be interesting to discover what would happen if one chose the role of being a conscious guest at the big party?

Headlines page 45

What does it mean not to be hypnotized by events - by the world?

Before one can be hypnotized by the world, one must have an ideal based on a false value; a value that is established by "I" because it wants to be nondisturbed. In other words, it puts value on the gratification of all senses at all times.

The inner hypnotic voices of the senses - by making continual suggestions - firmly implant the idea that one's sole purpose of living is to be nondisturbed. When one's purpose is disturbed  by any form of resistance, the inner voices say one should complain, stick up for one's rights, and blame others. One also continually hears hypnotic voices from beings who are themselves hypnotized. These outer voices firmly implant the idea that one should please them, believe and do as they say, be different, since this is the only way to be nondisturbed. Theses are conflicting ways, and when a person tries to use either way to reach the ideal state, he is in conflict. He really is in a prison - a prison of conflict.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Headlines pages 30 31

Is an "Ideal" a god one serves and sacrifices life's energy for?

Does one try to convert others so they will accept one's ideals and serve them?

Are ideals false gods?

Is one very apt to be a promoter of false gods unknowingly?

Does it seem likely that a very useful study would be that of analyzing ideals?
Are not ideals false gods?

There are four forces involved in any completed phenomenon.

Resistance (passive or active)
Completion or Result

The first force, initiative, is from the self. The second force, resistance, is from without.The third force, form, is from the interaction of the first and second forces. The fourth force, result, is derived from the interaction of first, second, and third forces.

Thr crucial point to understand is second force.

Without an understanding of second force, every expectation will be based on an ideal. When one has such an expectation, he will eventually experience disappointment. This disappointment subsequently produces a feeling of hurt and one looks for the cause of his hurt. All this results in one experiencing the emotions of guilt, fear, anger, and insecurity. Man was not designed to handle emotions and the stress which results from having them lead to disintegration.

Anger, guilt, fear, and insecurity give birth to self-pity, resentment, jealousy, greed, and hate...thus to every form of violence.

When a person is awake to second force, then that person does not have expectations which are based on an ideal. He sees that the aims, purposes, and plans he initiates will in some way be interfered with or altered by circumstances that arise.

This awakened state is called being a new man, a man with knowledge, a man who sees second force as a helpful challenge to inner and outer development or completion of Self. This new man expects second force to manifest itself in all our affairs. A new man is free to experience second force and continues toward his aim or purpose, making a worthwhile discovery on the way.