Monday, November 28, 2016


1. Watch without judging your acting out decision #           . Then act it out consciously, at least once.

2. Watch your body movements while about various actions of everyday living. Be aware that you determine the "what" and "X" determines the "how".

3. Watch others, without judging, act out the basic decisions. 

4. Read the daily paper and apply agape to each story that you feel a reaction about.

5. Observe today the situations you react to. Do it freely today. Next day just observe these situations and don't react. See what happens. 

6. Drop the image of husband or wife in the trash and replace by seeing the person, without the image of man or woman. Same for children.

7. Observe the conditioned responses, and conditioned wants with out identifying them with self.

8. Observe as much as possible through the next 24 hours. "What does this remind me of?" (Talk of thinking by association and living by decisions -- Danger of deciding not to think about something).

9. Watch how much we identify with others, images we make of self and others. 

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