Did you ever stop to checkup on what you have made your happiness depend on? Most everyone plays the game of hide and seek with self over happiness. “I want to be happy and enjoy life” is a very common statement heard over and over. It is fairly easy to see that most persons want to be happy. One could say that most everyone is seeking happiness. Here comes the hiding part of the game. This is done by agreeing that one will not find what one is seeking so earnestly until certain conditions just happen. For instance, a person says “I’ll be happy when I have ten million dollars.” That person has agreed with self not to be happy until that person has ten million dollars, which just happens to fall into his possession.a rather unlikely situation, don’t you think? Of course he or she could win a few times at the lottery, still very unlikely.
Maybe another has agreed not to be happy until a companion just happens along. Not just a companion but one that fits a lot of conditions. The human mind has lots of cunning ways to hide letting happiness just be. Just in the last week many have come by, such as: as soon as my child, now 30 years old, behaves as I want him to, as soon as I get out of here, as soon as I feel good, as soon as I quit my job, whenever taxes don’t take so much of my money, when I loose 40 pounds, when my husband quits smoking, when the children grow up, and so on.
Everyone wants happiness, but hides such a state from self by agreeing not to be happy. Suppose as a little experiment, one agrees with self to just experience freely whatever is in my way this week, and cancels, makes void, all agreements one has made NOT to be happy. You will be very surprised at the state you find yourself in. First all conflict, struggle, and resistance comes to an end. This results in peace of mind. Also some of the situations that occur will be very interesting. Peace of mind, fused with vital interest, is what folks have called happiness.
When one stops hiding happiness from self, one can’t prevent at least stumbling into it.
One is not putting oneself in danger by being free to experience whatever arises in one’s way. You are going to experience it anyway. One is just no longer agreeing to be miserable over it. X