Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Nature of Scripts, from What’s going on here page 12

 A frequent question asked is,”What is meant by having a script?” A script is merely the essentials in acting out a consciously chosen role. 

The first step is to see that one unconsciously is trying to achieve the four dual basic urges, because one feels entitled to them, and as one can never have the Four Dual Basic Urges realized for more than a very short time now and then, so one feels victimized and thus unknowingly acts and feels the victim role.

To write a script one must choose a new purpose of living. A new purpose is a role. It is best to start with a simple role, for instance,”my role is that of contributing to a pleasant harmonious mood”. First step in the script/role for instance, would be; Seeing that trying to be non disturbed is futile and only leads to conflict, struggle, and resistance, the disintegrating factor. 

Second step is to determine the action and attitude that contribute to a pleasant, harmonious mood.

The third step is to start the actual practice of contributing to a pleasant, harmonious mood, whether with others or alone.

Fourth step is to avoid finding fault or feeling guilty when one falls into the old purpose of being non disturbed, but simply pick up a new role at that point and proceed with the practice. This practice can be activated at home, at work, in traffic, on the telephone, in person—in fact, under any and all circumstances.

All other scripts follow the same outline. X

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