Friday, September 6, 2013

Real knowing

In recent letters, articles and talks, we have mentioned that higher states of feeling open the door to higher levels of consciousness, wherein there are flashes of intuition or insight- real knowing.
These statements have brought to us considerable call and letters. Most of these have been something to the effect that, "I know this but..." In this letter we will discuss information and learning. Information we can gather from many sources. Information is of great value when acted upon. We could say information plus action equals learning. It would appear that many believe that learning means accumulating information and committing it to memory. Such a belief is false and results in an obstruction to learning. Acting out a bit of information Leads to experiencing. Experiencing is learning.
Take some examples, and act out a role. First take a role one is more or less familiar with, say being a victim. Act as though you are a victim of circumstances, that nothing in your life will work until circumstances are different. Observe carefully. you will see how you feel and what kinds of thoughts race through to awareness. Now you are learning. Now act out a the role of a happy person. Again you will experience a totally different kind of feeling, and a very different type of thought will be present. In the same manner, act out the role of a discouraged person, then the role of a sad person, then the role of a blissful person. The contrast of the roles, feeling, and thoughts and ideas in the awareness are great learning tools.
What is written here is INFORMATION. Acting out the roles is acting on the information and results in LEARNING. More exercises in these roles will result in more learning. The more roles can be acted out and experienced, the more proficient you will be. Then more roles can be taken on as exercises that will lead to higher and higher states of consciousness. This is real learning.
However, past unconscious mechanical learning will imply to you that you already know his, and therefore there is no need to practice these exercises, or this stuff is for kids, or I'll try sometime when I have the time; how will such stuff do any good now that I'm broke, why try to kid myself.
Some way or other most individuals will justify not taking the opportunity to learn. Some will; they are the real students. They are on the way.

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