Thursday, May 7, 2020

Originating center

It is my function to make up my mind as to what. X then does the work. This is my working conscious relationship with Spirit. This has been called being a man of Faith. This is as far as I can go. If I don't make up my mind as to what, I have no working relationship with X, Spirit, or any faith.

People who point out to others the foolishness of their beliefs--the so called truth--are not honored as having helped at all. They are nailed to the cross with a crown of thorns.

Truth for man is  what each man thinks is right for him to do...real truth is the key to rebirth, there is no rebirth without the truth. Repentance is the radical change of the thought process as regarding the purpose of living...then baptism, a baptism of light, fiery Spirit.

I am all things, I can play a role, a conscious role, the role of reporting being, a conscious being. There are many sub roles I play consciously during the day. These subroles are within the structure of the one great conscious role I choose to play.

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