Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Bits and pieces from school work

 Some people are called successful by the fact of what they have learned to know, some by the fact of what they can do, and some few by what they are.

Freedom and responsibility: the two sides of the same idea that results in a driving force and inner peace at the same time.

The greatest treasure a person can find is wisdom and understanding. Don’t look for wisdom and understanding under a rock or at the bottom of the sea. Look to see what really motivates yourself and others.

Only the power of inner strength allows a person to be gentle. X

Monday, February 17, 2025


 Did you ever stop to checkup on what you have made your happiness depend on? Most everyone plays the game of hide and seek with self over happiness. “I want to be happy and enjoy life” is a very common statement heard over and over. It is fairly easy to see that most persons want to be happy. One could say that most everyone is seeking happiness. Here comes the hiding part of the game. This is done by agreeing that one will not find what one is seeking so earnestly until certain conditions just happen. For instance,  a person says “I’ll be happy when I have ten million dollars.” That person has agreed with self not to be happy until that person has ten million dollars, which just happens to fall into his possession.a rather unlikely situation, don’t you think? Of course he or she could win a few times at the lottery, still very unlikely. 

Maybe another has agreed not to be happy until a companion just happens along. Not just a companion but one that fits a lot of conditions. The human mind has lots of cunning ways to hide letting happiness just be. Just in the last week many have come by, such as: as soon as my child, now 30 years old, behaves as I want him to, as soon as I get out of here, as soon as I feel good, as soon as I quit my job, whenever taxes don’t take so much of my money, when I loose 40 pounds, when my husband quits smoking, when the children grow up, and so on.

Everyone wants happiness, but hides such a state from self by agreeing not to be happy. Suppose as a little experiment, one agrees with self to just experience freely whatever is in my way this week, and cancels, makes void, all agreements one has made  NOT to be happy. You will be very surprised at the state you find yourself in. First all conflict, struggle, and resistance comes to an end. This results in peace of mind. Also some of the situations that occur will be very interesting. Peace of mind, fused with vital interest, is what folks have called happiness. 

When one stops hiding happiness from self, one can’t prevent at least stumbling into it. 

One is not putting oneself in danger by being free to experience whatever arises in one’s way. You are going to experience it anyway. One is just no longer agreeing to be miserable over it. X

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Nature of Scripts, from What’s going on here page 12

 A frequent question asked is,”What is meant by having a script?” A script is merely the essentials in acting out a consciously chosen role. 

The first step is to see that one unconsciously is trying to achieve the four dual basic urges, because one feels entitled to them, and as one can never have the Four Dual Basic Urges realized for more than a very short time now and then, so one feels victimized and thus unknowingly acts and feels the victim role.

To write a script one must choose a new purpose of living. A new purpose is a role. It is best to start with a simple role, for instance,”my role is that of contributing to a pleasant harmonious mood”. First step in the script/role for instance, would be; Seeing that trying to be non disturbed is futile and only leads to conflict, struggle, and resistance, the disintegrating factor. 

Second step is to determine the action and attitude that contribute to a pleasant, harmonious mood.

The third step is to start the actual practice of contributing to a pleasant, harmonious mood, whether with others or alone.

Fourth step is to avoid finding fault or feeling guilty when one falls into the old purpose of being non disturbed, but simply pick up a new role at that point and proceed with the practice. This practice can be activated at home, at work, in traffic, on the telephone, in person—in fact, under any and all circumstances.

All other scripts follow the same outline. X

Monday, March 25, 2024

Four steps of regeneration

 1. Confession- to see true motives of self, Active.

 2. Surrender- to give up the values of the not-I’s, of conditioning-Passive.

3. Repentance- to turn about from putting value on “what ought to be” to put value on “what is” Active.

4. New Man- cleansed of all beliefs and values of the conditioned person, regenerated by the enthusiasm of thankfulness.

From the Picture of Man movie

 All conditioning is an illusion.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Understanding human beings part 2

 16. Any experience seen through conditioning may appear to be a threat. The more misconceptions (viewed as threats) occur, the more adaptation takes place. As long as the conditioning remains, it has to be defended—creating a viscous cycle which can be broken only when true perception of experiences occurs. The viscous cycle appears to be necessary until Truth steps in and shows up the False feelings of emergency.

17. With the absence of fear (threat, judging, criticism), experiences may be seen through true perception and the individual can assimilate and utilize such experiences. 

18. With true perception comes understanding of the self and others.

19. With true perception, the individual replaces the conditioned self values (false feelings of emergency) with True feeling, or seeing things as they are and with adequate response to the real stimuli.

Nineteen points to understanding human behavior part 1

 1. Everyone lives in his own world. It is ‘his’ because only he can experience it.

2. Everyone perceives reality through his own conditional vision. 

3. Everyone reacts as a whole being to his reality.

4. The person has one drive. He can work toward or away from self determined integration.

5. Behavior is the method of satisfying needs as seen by the individual, based on his conditioning…most of the time.

6. Emotion governs the degree of intensity of behavior. Emotion is of two types. Unpleasant or excited or calm and satisfied. Emotional behavior affects the conditioned mind regardless of body needs at the time.

7. The best way to understand people is to ‘walk a mile in their mocassins’. He is aware that their behavior is to them right, proper, or justifiable for the time, place, and circumstances.

8. Certain decisions are made regarding experiences. These decisions are motivating forces in conditioning the self.

9. As a result of decisions made by experiencing (usually in infancy and non verbalized) the conditioned self is formed and behaves according to these decisions.

10. Some values are achieved by self experience..others by belief in’authorities’ and judged as if self experienced. 

11. Experiences are either 1. Applied and used. 2. Passed by because they contradict previous conditioning.

12. Most behavior is governed by feeling rather than by physical needs. 

13. Some behavior, motivated by distortions of experiences (11-13) will be denied by the individual because of its inconsistencies. 

14. Psychological maladjustments occurs when the individual denies awareness and lives by distorted conditioning based on the fourth through the sixth decisions.

15. Adjustment occurs (develops) and integration begins when an individual becomes aware of his conditioning and decisions, realizes he is no longer must be controlled by them, finds out who he is, where he is, what he is doing, and what he can do.