Saturday, March 26, 2011

purpose of the work (pt. 3)

(cont'd) and you can say that's a living tree, or if it dies the leaves wilt in a matter of a few minutes and they all fall off real quick and the wood dies and it rots out and it all dries up. So we can see that very quickly and I don't think anybody here would have any difficulty seeing whether something was dead or alive, would you Neil? You can usually figure that out, okay? So whatever that is, is life, and I don't know what life is, except that I can see it function. I can see some of the things it does but I don't what it is that does that. Life has certain signs that always follow it. One thing it eats. It always gotta have some food. It has to have an ingestion of certain products or it doesn't keep going. It adapts to various and sundry things like environment to a jillion other things it adapts to some of them very unpleasant. Now there's also always a function going. You cannot be in the case of doing nothing. Every once in a while I say to someone 'What are you doing?' and they say 'Nothing.' But they obviously are doing something, they're breathing, they're having various and sundry chemical functions going on in the body, they're usually thinking something, possibly not very pleasant stuff, but they're thinking anyway. And, each one of us exists in an environment. And each of us is the center of our own environment. Is that right? It's the center. Everything's out from you. So from the environment, everything from the environment, we receive impressions. We get various sense reactions from the environment. I sense a person there I say Hello. I sense the light turns red in front of me,and  I stop the car.  I sense there's a black and white car down the road and I check the speedometer to see it's somewhere between 55 or 60. There's all sorts of impressions we receive constantly, some of them we put a little value on and some we don't.  So let's say there's an impression come in that I put a value on, and I have a feeling about it. Now this is man as he can be. Drawing the picture of man as he really is we put feeling and or emotion there. But right now we're sticking with feeling. 'Cause we're talking about a picture of a person who is all in one piece. So that goes to X, life. And life immediately decides the appropriate thing to do for this feeling. And it sends an impulse to the physical body and we have an action that comes out of it. So if I picked up this eraser and I throw it at Bill over here, and he saw so something and he's known long enough to know I probably would throw it, and clobber him with it, he  put up a defense immediately because that would be the appropriate thing to do. So this is the message from X to the physical body to do something and the function comes about. Now that function is always appropriate for this feeling. Those are the ones that go together. Now for instance if someone was playing a little trick on you and  put a toy or a make believe snake down here in the corner of the room and you put a little buzzer on it like a rattlesnake and you came up on it. At first glance what kind of feeling would you put on it, huh? (fear probably) Fear or an anxiety or a desire to protect yourself. Is that right? And no doubt you would jump to get away from it. Now that's the appropriate action for the information received. Now it wasn't the appropriate action for a rubber snake is that right? But it was for what you perceived. Now what we perceive is colored by certain ideas that we've had all of our lives, that we refer to as conditioning. That you've been conditioned that snakes are dangerous, right? So you dodge 'em a little bit so they can have all the space they want and you won't intrude upon their space. Is that about right? That's one thing you don't get in their space with. So we have a cycle that we could put in a little (inaudible) form that looks something like this

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Purpose of the work (part two)

It happens now and then. So, we're going to look at some of the emotions that people generally have. We will keep them to a minimum of what we talk about. Anger, guilt, fear, and insecurity, and then there are a jillion synonyms. Now, on top of that there are lots of feelings. Feelings are pretty nice things to have, right? You have one of those every now and then. And we would think that possibly that if we acted upon some of the ideas that we have today, you would not have emotion, you might have lots of wonderful feelings. And I don't think that anybody complains about having nice feelings. They enjoy those and that's what everyone's workin' to have in one form or another (tells folks to come right in who came late)So, as we look and see that when a person has a bunch of emotions, frequently you don't feel physically to good, because there seems to be a connection between some way or other. You get sick. And sometimes everything in your business goes topsy turvy. Your work goes off in tangents when you get emotions involved in it. By the same token while you have emotions going on, your personal and interpersonal relationships get kinda tangled up, to say the least. I hear more about that probably than any other item that we receive calls about. That about 98% are about personal and interpersonal relationships that are not going smoothly. You might say they're a little rocky here and there. And they seem to cause a considerable amount of difficulty in peoples lives, that they're unable to work, they're unable to enjoy themselves because they're totally involved in this relationship situation. So as we go along we're going to find out what is happening in those, and what brings it about. The first thing we generally hand out is a little drawing called the picture of man. Now I know many people here think they're very familiar with it, but I also know they haven't acted upon it. They can memorize it possibly, but let's look at it with aspect that we can do something with it. Now the first drawing I will make is a drawing of of man as you can be, not as you are today but as you can be. We hope that a few people are in the state which we will describe, and everybody tries it now and then, but we can also see that we could have it all the time if we took a little effort. Now seemingly nothing in this world comes for free, it always requires a bit of effort, a little work, and a little work has to come along now and then. So we'll draw a picture of the general function of man as he is put together. We're all familiar with the physical body, we'll put P.B. there that means physical body. Then there's awareness here, we'll put X here which means life. I don't know a definition for life except that we look around and see that these are alive. They're breathin', and several other things. And uh, it's also that most of us have seen dead ones. Now you can look at a tree out here..
Note: more to come on this. Please check out the picture of man at or there are other places, a picture is worth a thousand words after all....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Purpose of the work

So for a minute or two we'll talk of the purpose of doing all this exercise that we get involved in every now and again. I work and you work by sitting here. The general idea is that there is a group of ideas and a group of actions. Now the ideas by themselves is probably totally worthless. You can have them all and it wouldn't change a thing in your world a bit. However if you take the ideas and act upon them it can be quite a revolutionary thing in your every day affairs. It can produce quite a transformation. So the whole reason for putting on these exercises is that you act upon these ideas. Now you don't have to act upon every idea we talk about because, if you act on one of them, it will work.  Now we give many different ideas because one thing works on one person and one works on another and maybe none of them appeal to you. In that case, well, you came. That's all we can do about it (laughs). But I will try to dish out some and if I don't get one that appeals to you, call me one day, and I'll try to give you a tailor made one for yourself. We don't mind huntin' up a new one or one that I forgot to talk about today. We'll give you an action that you can act upon. I won't give you any more ideas, but you can call me and I'll give you an action that you can act upon, and produce considerable change in your world. Now your world is quite different from everybody else's I'm sure, isn't it? Because everybody else is in your world and your in mine. So that makes it totally different. So we will give some actions along through the day, and remind that you don't need to act on everything we bring up. Just one. If one appeals to you, you take that and act upon it, and it'll do everything as though you put all of it. I find some people get very nervous by trying to do 15 actions and that'll make you jumpy. If you did do one it will work out adequately. You won't have to do anything extra. Now we'll also talk about the general condition that everybody has that possibly here but maybe everybody here has got a different set of conditions but, I'm in contact with considerable number of people every week, they call from all over the country, from the east coast to the west coast, from the Mexican border all the way up into Canada. So we hear from a lot of people and most people have a lot of emotions runnin' around. So, does anybody here have emotions? Once in a while. There called anger, guilt, fear, and insecurity and an umpteen synonyms for all of those. Does anybody have any of them? Then you know what I'm talkin' about. At least a few of you do. And so as long as we have emotions workin, especially in our personal and interpersonal relationships, things get a little chaotic to say the least.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

please note

Some how most of part six was deleted by this site. I don't know how to get it back. Sorry that the talk is not complete as I'd hoped it to be.

Black Sun Light Sun (part six)

(that's my question then,worship is a state of conditioned man) Well, isn't it? don't ask me, ask yourself. What goes on in your mind. Would you have ever felt inclined to do it had you not been taught to do it? (no never) Okay, does that help answer it? (It is not a peaceful thing to punch somebody Else's blame button or stand up for my rights button, is that not necessarily a peaceful act?) Well it all depends on the circumstance, see how it all works out for you. If it starts a little war with them, well you find out. (what if it starts a war in them and not with me) Well, that all depends on you. It's whether you are being peaceful or whether your starting it, there's no rules. You see, to be conscious you require no rules. To be conditioned you must have a set of rules. You know you got to be programed. (I was looking up a definition of peace with oneself) Well what's peace to you?(ideals)okay, that's alright. Having seen you've been peaceful yourself, you wouldn't deliberately go and upset another one unless they asked for it, would you? I wouldn't know how, I wouldn't bother with it. I don't know what the other guys doing.Cause I can't be peaceful for him any more than I can drink a glass of water for him. But if my purpose is to be at peace this moment, not all day now, you see the minute I make it all day I begin to be anxious don't I? I got to get it done tonight. But if I'm just being peaceful this moment there's no sweat, okay, Virgina; (well why does it seem to me that most man was always striving for something higher than oneself, something higher?) Well what do you know it's higher? He's always struggled for an ideal because he thought he would be more comfortable then is that right? In other words, he wants that when he wants this. You call that higher, isn't that correct now? (or better) Well whatever. He wants that when he has this. Because no matter how much pleasure he's got he always decides it's not quite enough, you know, and no matter how much attention he's getting he always wants more. And so then the ideal is always beyond him like the (end of tape)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Black Sun Light Sun (part five)

I ask you what it feels like in there not what it sounds like..We're not working for agreement, we're trying to arouse a proposition to watch what goes on in you're head. Right? If it goes on in your head well that's terrible, what he's sayin' you know, you know somethin' about yourself then don't you? Or do you know what's going on in there. you don't even know, huh? you can usually see, if you look to see what's going on you can usually see, you know it's always a thought kickin' around in there, you respond in some way to every statement made, do you not? Don't you? In some ways that responded by saying, well that's horrible, by saying this will kill you, hmm?  It will. At first it will make you sick and then it will kill you if you keep it up long enough and all of it's information from here. The constant conflict, the constant civil war goes on in there, it'll kill you. If you turn it in from here it will give you all that's wonderful. Did you ever try that Joseph? (I've tried it.) What did it happen? (I lived wonderfully for a few days)So then you have reason to love this, when otherwise you have reason to fear it, right? because it has the power to destroy, right? So when we remove our superstitions about what's going on. Now man has felt all these forces pulling upon him, they're all within him, but he thinks of them as outside. So he has made Gods, Devils, all sorts of things out of them, and he let the word get out that if you wanted to find him, you have to find him within yourself. So that seems to bear out that that's where you will find it. But as long as you have a preconceived opinion that makes you comfortable, and believe what some authority told you with out investigating it yourself. With out looking and seeing what's going on there, just saying well I read here, I read there, and somebody told me this. Why of course you're just keeping this sound off all the time, you see. Hmm? Just playing it off like one of these tape recorders does. And nothing really goes. But if we stop and look at that thing and begin to see what it says, and see what it reacts like, how it responds, then you make all of this conscious.  Now you have become acquainted with the devil, you know? First off you get acquainted with him. He's a pretty good guy I know about. Then you can begin to be acquainted with this, hmm? But without this we sit here and never get aware, and we react, and after something terrible has happened to us and very uncomfortable and produced a lot of pain, all we really do is jump over here and see what to blame, don't we? So that's as far as we go with it. So man has called this a devil, this a god, and he didn't even know about this one, he said he knew how to stand up, hammer a nail in a piece of wood, he knew to write, he knew how to digest his food, and if he didn't digest his food, he knew which pill to take, you know? He knows all about that. But really he has never stopped to see that he really doesn't know how to wiggle a finger. He can only be aware that he even wants to wiggle a finger, and then X wiggles it. But you haven't the faintest idea of which muscles go to use it do you, but you don't know how to use it (inaudible) but you can just walk away(inaudible) but you don't know how wiggle it. So when you see that all the work is done by this, regardless is that work is destroying you, or whether that work is building you up, it all depends on where it gets it's information. Does it then seem that it would be reasonable that we would get conscious enough to see where it's information going. Now we're trying to be non disturbed,safe,etc. we're still back in the same old boat.
But if we stop and say, 'Well I'm through with that one, I'm going to set it aside for a week" You know it's like you're working on a chair and you're gonna build chairs, and you've got  it about 3/4th's done and you decide you're gonna set it over aside and do something else, you know? So for this moment I am only going to be peaceful. Now if you're going to be peaceful you got to use your head you got to be a little aware, you can't depend on the belly brain to use it, you got to be aware, is that right? Because you're liable to drive in front of me and the person goes"phhhght!"  but otherwise I step on the brakes, slow back, change lanes, I let you in, I'm only interested in being peaceful, I'm not interested in sticking up for my rights, huh? Right? If I am going along and something goes wrong, I don't say, "what do I blame for it?" "what caused it?" I see what can I do about it to get it towards peaceful for me immediately. Do I have to have this? You can't depend on this reaction bit to do it. Huh? Now it only requires that I chose to do it. Who do I ordain, the black man, or do I ordain the light one. Hmm? Which one Joseph?Now we've all ordained the black man, haven't we? We've made him have the power, and we have let him run the life and so far he's made a pretty royal mess out of it, is that right? Hmm? After a while as long as you stay in civil war, 'cause that's what you're askin' it to do. You put up a fight it right in there fightin' you want to fight this one this week it will keep right on fighting (and then you run out of adaptation) and then you're dead. But if you want to put this one under this week will he put it under? Yeah he'll suppress it so you won't even think of it, but you know next week will he have to do this one? Yeah, sure will. Will he switch 20 times a day for you? Right? So then you see that X is pleased which ever way it goes. It really is not concerned. But ordinarily we really want it to be a certain way and we've built up a superstitious idea about X that it of course got it's instructions the same place I did. You know, it got it's instructions the same place, like I want to but can't quite do. Is that right?Huh?(That's the superstition) Okay, then let's look at the superstition, find it's working, and when we look at it maybe we can drop it after a while okay? suppose we take a few minutes now for questions now, okay? Let's see how the mind has been working. Joseph you're number one. (I um I can give intellectual assent to this, and I think I understand it, and I think it's great, but I run into a problem continuously) because you want to do it for what reason Joseph? (uh well that of course is) Tell me what reason you want to do it (well I'm real enthused of the possibility of becoming a new man) And being a new man do you feel it would make you safe? (not necessarily but at least I'd be able to be aware of everything) Right. And then being aware of everything you can gain this and escape this. Now you see we don't look down here and see what our motive is, okay? You see when I say well I give X this moral or whatever it is mental, (intellectual) all right, intellectual is a pretty good word. But I really say well I'll see maybe that'll work better than what I'm doing, so I'm gonna try to do it. For what purpose Joseph? This you see we said what is our purpose? Now we still gonna try and be safe with it huh? Is that right? Okay, huh? Will it gonna do anything or it gonna be this same thing huh? (no we're trapped again) Right. So until you see that this can never be pursued,  and that you could care less about it, you're interested in peace. You have to reevaluate not just agree or disagree, okay? Now you agree with what's been said, but the mind down here says,'Oh yes, but the whole purpose is to gain this' and it just goes right on with it. So you see to really evaluate purpose, means to look it quite clearly at the whole thing and see what I'm really doing.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Black Sun Light Sun (part 4)

No, he was a crook. But he was a conscious crook.(tape inaudible) the one that gets the nod. In reality, in the cosmic world. The conscious man is the one who gets things because always if he's conscious, he's figuring out what's to his advantage, is that right? He's making peace isn't he?And that leads to truth and life. Truth is being conscious is it not? Could you be conscious of something that is unconscious? That wouldn't be truth would it? As far as you're concerned it's just a push that goes on all the time. Now, if we watch this within our minds, we will begin to be conscious of everything we are doing. And our whole purpose is how to see to be conscious. You know how you get that way? You see the necessity of it. And anything you see the necessity of, you do. Now as long as you just see that. 'that's nice' that might be desirable, but if you really make up your mind that you're being conscious, that you're going to choose, you have now ordained the light man. And you have taken the ordination away from the black man. He no longer is runnin' it. It had nothing to do with the color of skin, it's all inside of us. We all got a black man in here and we all got a white one. We have surely neglected the white man until he's nearly starved to death, and we've given the black one all manor of power.Hmm? Is that right? We have ordained him to run the purpose of living,and he has been going after this one, right? And he's got us well headed in this direction. When we take charge and say well let's a little searchin' around and know myself, we will see that the whole purpose is to be conscious. When you're conscious you make all of this conscious along with it. And then you're beginning to be in position to be conscious of this. Be conscious with it, wake it up. Because at the moment, as long as this one is just sending in information, this one is asleep, all that does is do whatever the first impulse gets to it is, if the impulse gets to it, that's what it does. It is capable of everything under the sun. Sometimes it has been recalled as the spirit of God, or what have you. So God is capable of all things isn't it, Hmm? He wouldn't be God if he wasn't. Right? Capable of all things. And, he wouldn't think of harm about it, the information came in, and has no little deal about it. But of course we have invented an erroneous idea, that this is always good. But we also read that one thing we love God, but you turn right around somewheres else, you fear it. You better fear him if he's getting his information from down here, if this one is the ordained one because it'll kill you (laughs) Is that right? Huh? You better fear him. And if he's getting his information here you've every reason to love him, is that right? Because everything's pretty wonderful. Huh? Now is that a contradiction? Or is it simply beginning to see ourselves a little bit. Huh? Right? You got this one sent all the information, you ordained it be in charge and give the power for origination of that power up here, what's gonna happen Joseph? You're gonna go going, gone, you're gonna get sick, die, Is that right? Do you have reason to fear this then it's got all power, right? And it goes to work. If this one is working, you have all reason to love it, because then it will do what is most to your advantage. Because you're conscious of what you're looking for. (more to come)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Black Sun Light Sun (part three)

Now as long as we have this one down here, unconsciously, the one that started off, to gain escape, be safe at all costs, fight, scratch, stick up for our rights, try to be different,  shmooze people, all unconsciously, we getting nowehreres. But once we really set down, 'Lookie here, this thing is getting me nowheres, I'm going to pick as my purpose to be peaceful this moment,'Hmm? Now you may use any one of these at any minute in order to be peaceful, you not use but everything but everything you would do would be conscious, would that be right Joseph? (sounds good) you'd be conscious. But now, your first consciousness is to choose a new purpose. Now you put off the old man and you put on a new one.
Now you have ordained the light man. Hmm? When you just pick up a new purpose, you put him in charge here, you said this the way it operates, huh?And you no longer are givin' this one the ordination of having power, huh?the black man. the black man shouldn't have power. He's to be used, he's very useful on many ways, but he is not to be given power. But every one of us have ordained the black man to have the power, is that about right? Every one of us have ordained him, set him in power, and then we have never reevaluated and taken away his authority, set up a whole new purpose of existence, based on intelligence,  awareness, consciousness,what have you. Now all of this is not conscious, and this up here really is not conscious is it? Now we probably have invented a lot of excellent superstitions about X. First off we always assume that it's good. What ever that may mean. You know it's good. It never does anything bad. But if you should want to kill somebody it will pull the trigger. Do you know how to move a muscle in your finger? (yes) Do you know how to stand up? (um hum)  I want you to stand up, and before you do, I want you to tell me in sequence which is the first, second, third, (audience member says 'I can't) well then you don't know how to stand up (it's automatic) well then it's not automatic, if it's automatic then you'd keep doing it when you're dead, would'nt you? (laughs)Huh? (it's a procedure, I don't have to think about it)then you don't know anything about it do you? You can only be aware that you want to stand up, consciously that you want to stand up, and X will stand you up. If you consciously wanted to kill somebody, including yourself, it'll do that too, wouldn't it? (I don't know that's what you're telling me) Well, uh, did you ever try it? (what?) That whatever asked it to do, consciously it does it, (audience member stammers-uh..I don't know, I'm not familiar with it, how can I be aware of something..) When you're sound asleep (laughs) So the first thing we said were here for is to wake up, right? and to watch the mind was doing, right?(right) So I noticed that when you're conscious of something you let X know it, and X immediatly got the body out of the way, is that right? (I don't know) You don't know, you are so asleep you don't even see what is happening? (that probably right?) Why don't you go to sleep in a bed somewheres? Huh? really, what are you taking up space for? If you can't see that much, huh (well I see what you got on the board,yes) well, obviously everybody sees that. Can you see what's taking place in you, this is what we're interested in. What I got on the board is immaterial, can you see what's taking place in you? ( can you get that out of my face?) (laughs) Can you see what's taking place in you? In other words, when you're aware, conscious of a danger, now if you were not conscious of a this, you wouldn't send any information to X. Now you don't know how to move the body, you just got through discovering that I think(I said it somewhere, but I don't know where it goes) well alright, it goes to something that has some power, is that right? (it causes me to move, yes) And it will do whatever seems to be appropriate from the consciousness that went in, seemingly. Because if it's to jump, cringe, or you felt it was appropriate to shoot, it would shoot, is that right?Hmmhmm? You know, man one of the kids did wrong and we got to get this straightened out, and so everybody comes over reacting up fine, and we have a glorious session, right? Hmm? (and we buy self improvement books)And that all goes here up to this and the more we try fiddling with this. Now does X going to do anything only the information it receives. Now this uh, we such pleasant little ideas that we build up nice superstitions and attribute all sorts of our little earthly morals that we got here. Now, X is complete. Being complete it is capable of all things, right? And if you're going to be complete would you know that you're capable of all things. You capable of murder? Some other human has so therefore you're capable of it, is that right? (right) somebody has been capable of robbing, so every one of us has that potential in us. Anything that any human has done everyone of us has the potential of doing it. Okay? But ordinarily we carry on a beautiful civil war with ourselves, instead of excepting all of us this as being here, we identify with this one for a few days, and we're going to be good this week you know, and so we repress these, we wouldn't even think this thought, if it started even running through our head,(makes a smashing sound) we mash it down, and we got it out of sight now, I didn't even think about it, I didn't think a thing, I haven't hated anybody all week, I'm holding it down. Then someday if somebody gets talking it sounds like it might be alright to do that if all things is in there, you can hate up a storm that week, huh? we're free to do it. Sure we're free to, but when we are getting in here, what are doing, we repress this one. Now, when you get run over a few days you begin to feel sorry for yourself because you just been doing what they want you to all the time, and haven't got to do a thing you want to do. You put this one repressed, and let this one up for a few days, is that right? (right, oh yeah) and now then the civil war is, this one is on the winnin' side and pushin' this one down, the battle's going the other way. Then a few days later, what happens? That got so miserable, the fuzz gets after you and all sorts of things (laughs) you decide No, I better get over here and use this one and be good, regardless of how evil other people are, and so we switch this one down and bring this one up, and ever goes the unending war, a civil war going on within each of us, and as long as that civil war is going on, where do you get after one year, two years, three years, four years, you can study, attend classes, listen to tapes, read notes, and you still back deciding which one you go,because your still trying to be what? Nondisturbed (audience says nondisturbed also)right? Be comfortable at all costs, gonna win So we ride from this side to this one and poor X is still going just whatever this one sums up, if this one is allowed up, this side of the black man is up, and says,' Boy, be goody good this week' while it'll be goody good. And this one comes up, but always there's a conflict between the two, the anxiety, the urgency, the emergency is on hand. Now in self knowledge, if we can stop to look for a moment,  we can see that I am capable of all things. Every blessed one of them inside of me, I can choose which one  I want to use if I am conscious. But there there aren't they? They're everyone there.Somebody has been able thieve, man I've got the possibility. I may not want to use it today, but who knows, someday I may find it very much to my advantage,hmm? I've seen cases when it looked like pretty it was pretty advantageous for somebody do a little snitchin', right? Have you? And I've seen cases where it was rather advantageous for somebody to tell a good lie, to save a life or something like that, to get yourself out of a tight spot, huh Cookie? (laughs) Be a peacemaker you know, blessed are the peacemakers and sometimes the only way to do it is to tell a good fib, huh? So all of these things are used consciously. Now we have set up that there is an ideal, and that the ideal is something called good according to which group that one of us happen to listen to here, ones we were brought up with, right? Now believe and do what you were told by your Authority, authority told you what was good. But did any one of your authorities ever tell you that the whole purpose was to be conscious? (No)Did you? (No) Now anything that you do conscious there is a parable told in a story about a man who had a good job and got fired. The first thing that he did was to cut down all the credtitors bills. And you know he was praised for that because he was conscious of what he was doing he was looking out for himself. He didn't say well I'm going to get mad at that guy who fired me and I am going to cause him all kinds of trouble. I don't want to get out here and start diggin' ditches. I'm going to go around here and get all these guys out here in a good mood with me. Hmmm?That what you do? And he was praised for it wasn't he? Right? He was conscious. Was he good? In the way you have been taught that goodie means?
PLEASE NOTE: the speaker does not mean literally a 'black man' as a person with darkly colored skin. He will state this later on in the talk, I just have not transcribed it in full yet. He means darkness within, instead of light, as in 'enlightenment' .

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Black sun Light Sun (part two)

So when I ordain to have power, you know we all hear this beautiful word 'ordain' and it only means what I have chosen to give power to. I ordain either to  this to have the control over me, or I ordain  this one to have the runnin' show. So if I ordain to gain pleasure and escape pain unconsciously, I'm fallin' off a pretty struggle conflict and resistance, which is nothin' but problems and leads to a state called death. Physical, emotional, mental, the whole bit, right down the line to being dead. All we got to do is to decide that unconsciously I'm gonna turn my whole life over to the black man, I'm gonna give him power. So he starts unconsciously reacting to gain all this, you see, away he goes, he has been ordained has power and I gave it to him, nobody else. And then we are under it's control. So the minute I want to be safe, which is what all this amounts to, I have to put up a guard, don't I? You gotta guard, you got an army, and if he's armed guard, then you got a potential war. At least you're not at peace while you're on an armed guard. So if you want to be at peace with your family, you got be,you want to get non disturbed and be safe with all the people around you, that nobody hurts your feelings, you got to be on guard, watching, every minute right? 'Cause one of those kids is liable to scream or holler and upset the whole thing, I've got to be in there and grab it. So there's constant reaction, constant struggle from one moment to the next, and that struggle is of course the vicious cycle, which we are all acquainted with, that goes around until we wind up in the pit where the crocodile awaits, and the scull and cross bones we have over here, so it's a deadly poison. Now that doesn't mean that we've got to eliminate this, it means that we do what, we put conscious control here. We decide that I'm going to see what to use and if I will use these. So I am going to be conscious of what I do. Now as long as we have this purpose that we started with back here to be non disturbed, we unconsciously are going to be reacting, falling down this ever ending struggle. Now after awhile of course every now and then we wake up and look at it, and say,'Oh my goodness, I shouldn't have done that'. And then we might even begin to set up a civil war within ourselves, by trying not to gain these, And obviously you're not trying to gain these, hmm? but you just react. So we decided 'Well I've got to quit trying to be safe!' but you're still workin' on the same principle. So you're gonna be safe by not being safe. You're going to gain pleasure by not trying to gain pleasure. You're going to try to get to sleep by trying to stay awake, and etc. you know. And we sit here and bang away. Now, there is only one possible approach. We choose a new purpose, consciously. The first, the fundamental principle is that once a decision is made is the rule of attitude/action until that decision is consciously looked at and reevaluated. So if we reevaluate it, we see that is no matter which and how we start going at it, we are going to be in a constant struggle. So instead we might pick up and say, look my whole purpose is to be at peace this moment. That's not very long is it? Hmm? Just this moment I can be at peace. If I'm going to peace I must be conscious of what I'm doing. Begin to use it every moment. Huh? You could be at peace this moment couldn't you? Hmm? Now all day that might be difficult. Tryin' to be non disturbed by being peaceful. But just to be peaceful this moment we have picked out a whole new purpose of existance.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Black Sun Light Sun (part one)

The first thing that might that be of interest to us when we take our time to leave whatever job,be uncomfortable and what have you, is to consider what are we doing here. Now if we care to gather up a whole bunch of notes and tape recordings so that you can learn a lot, you probably will waste your time. If we will kind of watch going on inside your head, as we try and bring forth a viewpoint of which we have based in many kinds of superstitions and what have you, you might find it extremely useful to you. What really goes on in the mind is of very great importance to us, and if we are totally unaware of it we might as well be sound asleep in a comfortable bed somewhere. Now when we bring up various propositions you will find that the mind does certain things with it if you are observing the mind. Now if you are busy taking notes of course you will be careful getting your notes down accurately. If you're watching your tape recorder to be sure it's running right, while you will also know about your tape but you won't know what's going on inside you. Now you may make all the notes you like, run all the tape recorders you want, we have no objection. But we are suggesting that first we see what we are here for. Because if all we wanted was notes, you might as well of sent the tape recorder and stayed at home. You know? It would have been easier. I'd give the same talk, it's alright. So what we first want to know is what we are doing here is to know ourselves better. The self is the mind. We have more than one mind working, so we say one thing and a proposition comes up and three or four things begins to play with it. Now we will try to observe these. If a question comes up write it down, don't but in at the moment. Wait until the talk is over and then we will at the end of every talk discuss questions to the fullest extent that we can discuss them. Also will you please ask the question while we are in the session instead of waiting until the session is over because usually we find that there are gobs of questions in between talks and not to many at the talks. So there will not be any questions entertained between talks only during a conference session and when that is over there will be a few minutes to relax, rest,  and we'll start over again. We have to let these soft chairs relax a little bit now and then, you know?So please ask your questions during the time while we are working on them. Now the other thing that we would ask is that there is a great number of people in the room so will you please not smoke. I like to smoke as well as anybody but lets don't smoke when there's a great crowd of people in a small room, okay? Then we can all divulge outside, contaminate the atmosphere, in between times, but not inside the room, if you will please. Okay?
 The first subject is, is what is our purpose? Now we have the picture of man which we are all well acquainted with I'm sure. So we have the basic decisions in the center which is the subconscious mind. Now we'll never get rid of the subconscious mind but we can make it conscious. But all of the ideas that it contains will be present with us. Now seemingly that many people have felt that they could get rid of it, but those ideas are still there and they will be useful for many occasions. The point is that that we be conscious when we use them. In other words if I want to have my way now, and the way to do it is to do a little complaining let's complain consciously because if we do it consciously you know exactly what we are doing and you don't get yourself all involved with it, it is rather a game. sometimes it is the only way you can get things going is to do a little complaining. It is not usually the method of choice, but there is rare occasions when it works very adequately. The next one is it is important to stick up for my rights. I haven't found an occasion for it in a long time, but I don't know it may be, at least I still know about the principle and I can use it if ever that should occur. The one on pleasing people, we may use once in a while too, sometimes it's very useful, but I'm not doing it because I feel a compulsion to do it, I do it because it is conscious because it works better for me that way. Sometimes it works pretty good don't it? did you ever try it?
The other one is believe and do what I am told by my authorities. When we're driving down the highway it's a pretty good idea to use it. Sometimes otherwise you can kind of kid them that you're going along and it keeps things a lot quieter and more subtle. The other one says' I ought to be different ' of course who knows, it ususally doesn't work that way but if we can consciously know that it is there and the one with the blaming we can also be conscious. Now somewheres along the way this is called the subconscious and it's been called in certain literature the Black Sun. The Black man that's in everybody. We also have the awareness which is the one that is conscious of what's going on. Which is the one that we use so seldom until after the fact you know, uh we gonna wake up after a while and say,'Oh yeah, I see what I did' but that doesn't do any good much. It is whether we use it at the moment or not. And if I am conscious and want to use one of these,that's fine. If I want to gain pleasure and escape pain that's fine. On a physical level you'd better believe I do. But not at all costs. Because sometimes the way of getting rid of a pain temporarily is more expensive than the others. So you can figure out the cost do you want to go that way or not. Do you want some attention? We'd starve to death if we didn't get some attention. So we want to get it but use conscious means to get it. We want to have some approval, most of us  like it pretty well, do we ever use conscious means to get it, or do we feel entitled to it, you know, you want some approval  well you proceed to get it wherever you like.
So whether we want feel important, or the power control certain situations we want to be in..

Sunday, January 16, 2011

senses vs understanding (part two)

Another thing that says the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a pearl of great price (like unto)-in other words there's a story told about a pearl of great price. A merchant sold all that he had (all that he put value on) in order that he could buy the pearl of great price that he had found somewhere around.
 So what have we put value on? all the senses being gratified at all times, and not only do they want to be gratified, we want to be assured that they will be gratified tomorrow, and the next day and forever. And then we want it not only assured, we want to be guaranteed that that will be-and that all the senses are never going to disturb us and that they're always going to be more than gratified, and ever expanding amount. We don't have to walk on soil or carpet- it has to be gold.
So always the senses have to have more gratification. The pearl of great price is likened unto what man can conceive as the greatest value. When his senses say what is the greatest value, he runs into riches, and he begins to imagine the thing. But if he finds that within himself there is an awareness and a comprehension of this,he/you could dispose of his/your present set of values on having your senses always satisfied. Dr. Lynn says that he's finally learned to eat for nutrition rather than to tickle his senses all the time.

It also says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a buried treasure-and it is buried and it is a treasure when we begin to use we don't have to have anybody tell/us you. When you begin to use it you'll know it's a treasure. When you don't use it, you can only experiment and see if you can dig it out. It is within the man behind the clutter and the dirt and the filth of the sensory mind. And all you got to do is scrape off a little of the mud and there's the beautiful chest of gold- It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
But don't try that one literally-I've tried that one and it didn't work. It is a buried treasure within man. It is his "soul" if you please. So go to find the use of it and not neglect it and get only living out here in the outer senses.
It is also like a lump of leaven. That a woman buried in three measures of meals-put a small lump of leaven in there until pretty soon the whole three meals was leaven. When you start out with it, it's a little bitty lump, like a point of awareness beginning to see relationships of what's going on - beginning to see it fits this and that and that all this stuff out here that we have made so important is only symbols and there's no reason to be concerned with it except that it gives us something to relate to like the cocoon stage of the butterfly.
So when this begins to be used it leavens the whole three measures including the sensory portion of it. It goes through the whole thing, but you start with it and it goes through the whole three measures or the complete being of the man-the aspects of all of his mind- he cleans it all up.
(how do I do that?)
Look at the picture of man. We've used it quite a long time. But if you put the lump of leaven in there, it brings it all into one after a while. It begins to be used as an understanding rather than the senses and it unifies or integrates or makes one of all the fragmented portions of the mind-also the number 3 is used for individual completeness- so something is complete if it is three.
(would you go over that number three?)
The number three is used quite frequently as a saying all of something in a symbolic language. I do not know why they use three, but it's the same idea of a triangle -that three is the only geometric figure that you can make an enclosure.
Now you probably read this as a mustard seed,but somebody kind of crossed up there-doesn't make any difference what it was except that it said the smallest of all seeds that can be put in the ground grows into a great tree that the birds can nest in the branches and the cows can sleep was in the shade and so forth. The word I got was it was a fig seed. I never saw a mustard plant that a cow could sleep under. I've seen many plants they could eat. A seed grows into something very large-again we start with a tiny point of awareness and not using it for sensory purposes, but to understand-to see relationships,and to comprehend what's going on from a psychological basis rather than to be concerned with whether it's going to make me comfortable or uncomfortable and this extends very quickly into a very large tree-but it has started as soon as you put it in the soil, is that right? And the soil is a little soil of comprehension. So when we put it there and begin to use it, it will begin to grow.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

senses vs understanding (part one)

(audience participating in parenthesis)
We can see that the senses report something, but behind that something, there is a reality-a reality of a relationships of a spiritual nature.
So first off, we look around and we sense lovely bodies all over the place. So we say, that is the person. Are you that body?
(seemingly so)
Ok, then seemingly if we go down to the mortician's place this morning, he's probably got a few bodies around there. Is that the person, or does  most everybody agree that that is only a trace-they call it the remains of the person.
So would you say that you are an invisible being inhabiting that body?
(I would, yes)
So you are not the body, you are an invisible being that inhabits the body? Then Spirit is invisible. So you have never seen a person. You have only seen their house. And you attempt to communicate to the person inside the house. Now if I look at you and say I know you-I looked at you and saw this feature, or I don't like you because you remind me of someone who hurt me long ago and I never did like them,I've got you tagged,huh? Now I can't stand you anymore.
So we never stop to know the person. So we're going to talk about the invisible man. So everyone you see is invisible. We have houses (bodies) that we live in and those are visible and we can sense those. But the spirit within the body does much to that. So you're inside the house and this is the one we're going to talk about, not the sensory body. The invisible being in there can destroy that body awfully easy or it can generate it or it can renew it or it can tear it down. That invisible body in there is very very powerful if we but recognize it as a power.
(what do accept for my authority? Is there a way of finding my authority within myself? or what to believe?)
We hope you don't need an authority,but if you do, you will have to get it by experimentation sir,ok? And you cannot experiment with the sensory mind-you will have to experiment with the understanding mind. And with using the understanding mind, you can experiment with it, and I certainly would not want anyone to accept what Bob had to say about it. But possibly it would open the door to run an experiment. So we certainly do not consider ourselves an authority because if you have one authority then you have another one over here on the side anyway. So what difference does it make.  If you said "Well Bob said so and so". And then you went over and talked to Chuck and then you'd say"Well Chuck said so and so." So what are we going to do now? Now we have to go out and find somebody else with an opinion.
So then our reality would only consist of agreement on sensory words, and it would be entirely worthless. This is what most people have accepted as reality is "agreement". And somebody comes a long and disagrees, and you feel like you're falling through space, and you have nothing to hang upon. Agreement is a very poor thing to build one's house upon. The Christ said that was like unto a foolish man that built his house upon sand, and when the winds came, (somebody comes along with an opinion or disapproval or rejection) that's the wind-then the house tore down and great and mighty was the fall thereof.
Another man built his house upon rock and the winds came and rain fell and the house stood because it was built on a rock. A rock signifies truth or a fact, ok? Don't accept what I say, only as a possible experimentation.
(how can I distinguish when I'm experimenting with my sensory mind or my understanding mind?)
Is it a fair question for you, "What am I doing?"
So first off we're going to look at a few of the facts that have been mentioned about integration or the kingdom of heaven. We'll take a few statements we are quite familiar with.
One of those statements is the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Now, obviously if something is at hand, it's not far away. The word hand refers to the anatomical little gizmo like this. And everything that is in reach of it in the sensory world would then conceive or have to be heaven-that that could include a person, a thing, or whatever it was in the physical world. So if we use it as a sensory situation, then everything we could touch would have to be heaven-right here at hand.
Then 'at hand' means it's available from a psychological standpoint-it is not something that you can't have-it's not available in the far off future-it's here and now. That's a start on it.
Then of course, we wanted to know where it was-and it's within you and me. Now if it's within you, it's not somewhere outside-then it must relate to the inner state of man.  Generally speaking, if you were hungry, you'd think the kingdom of heaven was in your tummy. It's been related in many places that it will make you comfortable-make you satisfied, be very pleasurable and all these good things.
Many people have made the stomach more or less the sign of the kingdom of heaven because they're very concerned with what goes in it and what doesn't go in it as though it was the very thing that got contaminated. So it's very easy to think that that's all that's within us because if you're going to put some little something in it-that's going to tear it all up. Oh that must be terrible.
So it's within you is your psychology, your inner makeup. We have it but we don't use it. We were talking in our first discussion that we use the sensory mind and we don't use the study of the mind that does the understanding of what the senses use. But it's at hand here right now. And you can beging to experiment with it-don't take my word for it and begin to see everything in the world as a symbol. And you can begin to get an understanding behind it. Then you begin to get a whole lot of doors opened up to you all of the sudden. And you have your own truth-you don't need mine-you don't need anybody else's-you can find it yourself. But you must open that door. It is at hand-right here-we just haven't used it. We've been using the sensory mind to approach everything with.
In answer to your question,do we need information information in running our business? Certainly but don't you also need, in that field, to use your understanding of relationships for more than just sensing. I could walk through your plant and sense every beautiful printing press you have in there. And I could walk over and sense all those piles of paper and inks. But you see the relationship and can turn out beautiful work. So in our everyday affairs, we're apt to use the psychological mind. But when we go to the spiritual affairs where it really matters, we desert it entirely and go back to the senses to take everything literal.
So use that same one that you see relationships in your business with just a little understanding-as a parable, you can see relationship that you put this and this together and stir it up right and throw it in an oven and after a while with a little heat it turns out to be something altogether different.

Friday, January 14, 2011


If you like what you see here, and would like much more info, you can go to my friend Marsha Summers website. Look under 'studies'. There you will find a vast amount of transcriptions. Enjoy!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Free to experience

Your purpose of living is living.Living includes experiencing freely everything that comes your way today. It includes deciding what you want to do. Take off and go do it. It may not work. Everything's an experiment.Have you run experiments that didn't work?What do you do with it? flush it. And if you got some that work you use them. Is that right? Now we have not thought of this as experimenting, but we've been experimenting with using infantile methods to try and live in a grown up world, is that right? Now you've had a long time to run the experiment, right? it hasn't ever worked yet, I guess it's time to flush it, okay? Just say I'm free to experience whatever may come along today, okay?

Friday, January 7, 2011


So, if you would like one aspect, one statement of Truth, is that 'x', spirit always does the appropriate thing for the information received from awareness. Now it doesn't matter whether  what you handed in was fact or not, it will do the appropriate thing for it. If you state your threatened when there isn't a threat in a mile, it will handle a threat very beautifully. If you give some other information, it will do that. If you were to pass the word to X that some object in my pocket was red hot, and you held it in your hand you'd find a blister would arise. You've probably experimented with that. And X always did the appropriate thing for the information the person handed in according to the suggestion, right?
When we interpret things, whatever way we interpret, so is it to you. As you see it in your being, so is it unto you. Now we ordinarily see all sorts of things as threats and so we are threatened, now this is truth. Another aspect of saying truth is that whenever I make anything important, I am anxious. Which is another way of saying the same thing because I make it important, therefore it's a threat and X interprets, and does the appropriate thing for the threat.

What am I doing?

You know you get to see what you're really doing it all for. Is that right? We're trying to gain pleasure and escape pain on all levels, and we call that love, we call that religion, we call it many things, but all it is is lust, for pleasure and escaping pain on all levels, psychologically and physically we want to gain attention and approval, and we want to gain physical pleasure and we want people to tell us how important we are and how we are not inferior any more is that right? So if I should truly see this is what I'm doing, and not try to tell myself some other motive, you're telling yourself the truth, and you quite lying to yourself. When you quit lying to yourself a transformation takes place. You don't have to do a thing in the world about it. A transformation takes place. When we can truly see that all our motive for all our studying,for our efforts, for what we would call worship, is to gain pleasure and escape pain. We're still trying to serve the senses, is that right? If we could just go ahead and look at it, you know there's nothing we can do about it, we might as well see it flat footed. And truthfully quit lying to oneself. But we tell all sorts of reasons.  I do it because of my duty to God, and I do it because I love God, and I do it because I admire truth, and I do it for all these fancy reasons. All we're doing is looking for to gain pleasure and escape pain on all levels. We can tell ourselves that's everything we're doing is that we'll find a Transformation takes place.