I ask you what it feels like in there not what it sounds like..We're not working for agreement, we're trying to arouse a proposition to watch what goes on in you're head. Right? If it goes on in your head well that's terrible, what he's sayin' you know, you know somethin' about yourself then don't you? Or do you know what's going on in there. you don't even know, huh? you can usually see, if you look to see what's going on you can usually see, you know it's always a thought kickin' around in there, you respond in some way to every statement made, do you not? Don't you? In some ways that responded by saying, well that's horrible, by saying this will kill you, hmm? It will. At first it will make you sick and then it will kill you if you keep it up long enough and all of it's information from here. The constant conflict, the constant civil war goes on in there, it'll kill you. If you turn it in from here it will give you all that's wonderful. Did you ever try that Joseph? (I've tried it.) What did it happen? (I lived wonderfully for a few days)So then you have reason to love this, when otherwise you have reason to fear it, right? because it has the power to destroy, right? So when we remove our superstitions about what's going on. Now man has felt all these forces pulling upon him, they're all within him, but he thinks of them as outside. So he has made Gods, Devils, all sorts of things out of them, and he let the word get out that if you wanted to find him, you have to find him within yourself. So that seems to bear out that that's where you will find it. But as long as you have a preconceived opinion that makes you comfortable, and believe what some authority told you with out investigating it yourself. With out looking and seeing what's going on there, just saying well I read here, I read there, and somebody told me this. Why of course you're just keeping this sound off all the time, you see. Hmm? Just playing it off like one of these tape recorders does. And nothing really goes. But if we stop and look at that thing and begin to see what it says, and see what it reacts like, how it responds, then you make all of this conscious. Now you have become acquainted with the devil, you know? First off you get acquainted with him. He's a pretty good guy I know about. Then you can begin to be acquainted with this, hmm? But without this we sit here and never get aware, and we react, and after something terrible has happened to us and very uncomfortable and produced a lot of pain, all we really do is jump over here and see what to blame, don't we? So that's as far as we go with it. So man has called this a devil, this a god, and he didn't even know about this one, he said he knew how to stand up, hammer a nail in a piece of wood, he knew to write, he knew how to digest his food, and if he didn't digest his food, he knew which pill to take, you know? He knows all about that. But really he has never stopped to see that he really doesn't know how to wiggle a finger. He can only be aware that he even wants to wiggle a finger, and then X wiggles it. But you haven't the faintest idea of which muscles go to use it do you, but you don't know how to use it (inaudible) but you can just walk away(inaudible) but you don't know how wiggle it. So when you see that all the work is done by this, regardless is that work is destroying you, or whether that work is building you up, it all depends on where it gets it's information. Does it then seem that it would be reasonable that we would get conscious enough to see where it's information going. Now we're trying to be non disturbed,safe,etc. we're still back in the same old boat.
But if we stop and say, 'Well I'm through with that one, I'm going to set it aside for a week" You know it's like you're working on a chair and you're gonna build chairs, and you've got it about 3/4th's done and you decide you're gonna set it over aside and do something else, you know? So for this moment I am only going to be peaceful. Now if you're going to be peaceful you got to use your head you got to be a little aware, you can't depend on the belly brain to use it, you got to be aware, is that right? Because you're liable to drive in front of me and the person goes"phhhght!" but otherwise I step on the brakes, slow back, change lanes, I let you in, I'm only interested in being peaceful, I'm not interested in sticking up for my rights, huh? Right? If I am going along and something goes wrong, I don't say, "what do I blame for it?" "what caused it?" I see what can I do about it to get it towards peaceful for me immediately. Do I have to have this? You can't depend on this reaction bit to do it. Huh? Now it only requires that I chose to do it. Who do I ordain, the black man, or do I ordain the light one. Hmm? Which one Joseph?Now we've all ordained the black man, haven't we? We've made him have the power, and we have let him run the life and so far he's made a pretty royal mess out of it, is that right? Hmm? After a while as long as you stay in civil war, 'cause that's what you're askin' it to do. You put up a fight it right in there fightin' you want to fight this one this week it will keep right on fighting (and then you run out of adaptation) and then you're dead. But if you want to put this one under this week will he put it under? Yeah he'll suppress it so you won't even think of it, but you know next week will he have to do this one? Yeah, sure will. Will he switch 20 times a day for you? Right? So then you see that X is pleased which ever way it goes. It really is not concerned. But ordinarily we really want it to be a certain way and we've built up a superstitious idea about X that it of course got it's instructions the same place I did. You know, it got it's instructions the same place, like I want to but can't quite do. Is that right?Huh?(That's the superstition) Okay, then let's look at the superstition, find it's working, and when we look at it maybe we can drop it after a while okay? suppose we take a few minutes now for questions now, okay? Let's see how the mind has been working. Joseph you're number one. (I um I can give intellectual assent to this, and I think I understand it, and I think it's great, but I run into a problem continuously) because you want to do it for what reason Joseph? (uh well that of course is) Tell me what reason you want to do it (well I'm real enthused of the possibility of becoming a new man) And being a new man do you feel it would make you safe? (not necessarily but at least I'd be able to be aware of everything) Right. And then being aware of everything you can gain this and escape this. Now you see we don't look down here and see what our motive is, okay? You see when I say well I give X this moral or whatever it is mental, (intellectual) all right, intellectual is a pretty good word. But I really say well I'll see maybe that'll work better than what I'm doing, so I'm gonna try to do it. For what purpose Joseph? This you see we said what is our purpose? Now we still gonna try and be safe with it huh? Is that right? Okay, huh? Will it gonna do anything or it gonna be this same thing huh? (no we're trapped again) Right. So until you see that this can never be pursued, and that you could care less about it, you're interested in peace. You have to reevaluate not just agree or disagree, okay? Now you agree with what's been said, but the mind down here says,'Oh yes, but the whole purpose is to gain this' and it just goes right on with it. So you see to really evaluate purpose, means to look it quite clearly at the whole thing and see what I'm really doing.
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