Wednesday, February 29, 2012

El Paso retreat excerpt

Question from the audience:
The power of the human mind to make a choice. Do you feel that this is innate in every man?
Dr. Bob:
What the ability to make a choice? No. Most people can't choose nothin'. They 'A' and 'B' it to death*They're total state of indecision, and decide they want to do this, BUT. Now that's conditioning. And so we start in on the other side and then we want to do that but. And then they go the other way.
 So no, that is pure conditioning, and that is one of the things we're gonna look at tomorrow.(Audience:good.hear laughs) And we'll kick conditioning out the door and say look, this is the way it is there's no ideals you see, but we will consider that quite in depth tomorrow as to the way to be able to choose what ever's out there what you want to choose..
I'll give you one pointer to think about for tonight:
If you're not lookin' for the ideal it's no problem.But if you're lookin' for the ideal it's almost impossible to come to a decision or a choice of any kind, because we are always, a little thought jumps up what if this turns out this way so we're afraid to that. So as long as you're lookin' for the ideal it becomes next to impossible.
* the 'A' and "B' means:
 A side to complain, blame, and stick up for rights. The 'B' side is to please, do and believe as my authorities say, and self improve. See illustration of picture of man on Marsha summers site for reference. Here's the address;

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

scottsdale 1969

What kind of state of being would you be in if you had nothing to defend?

Monday, February 20, 2012

excerpt from conciousness health wealth and love

It's the beginning of what I call agape, love. That I see that whatever anybody is doing there doing what they feel is right or proper or justifiable with what level of consciousness they have,what light they have, which is consciousness. If there down here, then that's all they could be doing, so I can't fuss about what they're doing and why don't they straighten up and do like me, bitch all the time. You know, the person that bitches all the time because someone else bitches has always amused me. You know I have people come in just bitching up a storm because their husband bitched at them. Or a man comes in because his wife bitched at him. I really don't see much difference in it. Do you? Except I'm justified in mine and she wasn't. That's all.
So, when we can see that we have to ask our self what can I do, being a good guest is considerate, harmless to the best of our ability, and that doesn't mean I'm going to cow tow and try to please everybody, I'm not going to hurt anybody. And the third one is that I would make some contribution. Now how can I make a contribution unless I feel I already had everything. No way, I'm only grudgingly paying a bill. Now this is not because one is paying for anything, or because one should do it, or ought to do it, but when you recognize you have everything, you want to say thank you for having been invited to this beautiful thing called life.

Monday, February 6, 2012

lifes word excerpt

In the season that you feel the ever present I am and I love in the heart then you shall know that you are mine that the mouth speaks my words the heart beats with divine impulse and that I live in you
I and I alone exist
There is no other soul or spirit but me
Life is what is and it's a mystery beyond all comprehension you can be aware of that you are life from there on you have no problems only challenges

Think act feel

Audience: When I am a joyous being and over hear are not a joyous being
Dr.Bob: Uh huh, that's right the woods is full of them..
Audience: How do you not let them affect you?
Dr.Bob: Well, that's whether you want to be a victim or not. Are you a victim of everybody around you? Or, are you going on being pleasant regardless of other folks. They don't know what they're doing, they're not trying to pull you down. It's mechanical, they've been at for years and don't know it. I don't see any use of lettin' them get me down, do you? I'm the one it hurts when I get down, not them, they're already hurtin'
Audience: I used to say I got my bubble burst.
Dr. Bob: Well that's cause you were a victim. Now, let's don't play the victim role, keep our bubbles up and bright, and don't give them to anybody else. In other words, I'm not gonna turn my inner state if being, which is the most valuable thing I have, I'm not gonna turn it over to some jerk that's down in the dumpies. That's his (or her) business. Huh? You got that? I'm not gonna turn it over to someone goin' "suh suh suh" (grumpy voice) I'm not gonna do that, 'cause I'm the one that gets to feelin' miserable, and he's already miserable, so I'm not hating him, not doing anything for him (or her) so let's don't play the victim role okay? You didn't get your bubble burst, you poked it, okay?