Question from the audience:
The power of the human mind to make a choice. Do you feel that this is innate in every man?
Dr. Bob:
What the ability to make a choice? No. Most people can't choose nothin'. They 'A' and 'B' it to death*They're total state of indecision, and decide they want to do this, BUT. Now that's conditioning. And so we start in on the other side and then we want to do that but. And then they go the other way.
So no, that is pure conditioning, and that is one of the things we're gonna look at tomorrow.(Audience:good.hear laughs) And we'll kick conditioning out the door and say look, this is the way it is there's no ideals you see, but we will consider that quite in depth tomorrow as to the way to be able to choose what ever's out there what you want to choose..
I'll give you one pointer to think about for tonight:
If you're not lookin' for the ideal it's no problem.But if you're lookin' for the ideal it's almost impossible to come to a decision or a choice of any kind, because we are always, a little thought jumps up what if this turns out this way so we're afraid to that. So as long as you're lookin' for the ideal it becomes next to impossible.
* the 'A' and "B' means:
A side to complain, blame, and stick up for rights. The 'B' side is to please, do and believe as my authorities say, and self improve. See illustration of picture of man on Marsha summers site for reference. Here's the address;
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