Sunday, January 16, 2011

senses vs understanding (part two)

Another thing that says the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a pearl of great price (like unto)-in other words there's a story told about a pearl of great price. A merchant sold all that he had (all that he put value on) in order that he could buy the pearl of great price that he had found somewhere around.
 So what have we put value on? all the senses being gratified at all times, and not only do they want to be gratified, we want to be assured that they will be gratified tomorrow, and the next day and forever. And then we want it not only assured, we want to be guaranteed that that will be-and that all the senses are never going to disturb us and that they're always going to be more than gratified, and ever expanding amount. We don't have to walk on soil or carpet- it has to be gold.
So always the senses have to have more gratification. The pearl of great price is likened unto what man can conceive as the greatest value. When his senses say what is the greatest value, he runs into riches, and he begins to imagine the thing. But if he finds that within himself there is an awareness and a comprehension of this,he/you could dispose of his/your present set of values on having your senses always satisfied. Dr. Lynn says that he's finally learned to eat for nutrition rather than to tickle his senses all the time.

It also says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a buried treasure-and it is buried and it is a treasure when we begin to use we don't have to have anybody tell/us you. When you begin to use it you'll know it's a treasure. When you don't use it, you can only experiment and see if you can dig it out. It is within the man behind the clutter and the dirt and the filth of the sensory mind. And all you got to do is scrape off a little of the mud and there's the beautiful chest of gold- It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
But don't try that one literally-I've tried that one and it didn't work. It is a buried treasure within man. It is his "soul" if you please. So go to find the use of it and not neglect it and get only living out here in the outer senses.
It is also like a lump of leaven. That a woman buried in three measures of meals-put a small lump of leaven in there until pretty soon the whole three meals was leaven. When you start out with it, it's a little bitty lump, like a point of awareness beginning to see relationships of what's going on - beginning to see it fits this and that and that all this stuff out here that we have made so important is only symbols and there's no reason to be concerned with it except that it gives us something to relate to like the cocoon stage of the butterfly.
So when this begins to be used it leavens the whole three measures including the sensory portion of it. It goes through the whole thing, but you start with it and it goes through the whole three measures or the complete being of the man-the aspects of all of his mind- he cleans it all up.
(how do I do that?)
Look at the picture of man. We've used it quite a long time. But if you put the lump of leaven in there, it brings it all into one after a while. It begins to be used as an understanding rather than the senses and it unifies or integrates or makes one of all the fragmented portions of the mind-also the number 3 is used for individual completeness- so something is complete if it is three.
(would you go over that number three?)
The number three is used quite frequently as a saying all of something in a symbolic language. I do not know why they use three, but it's the same idea of a triangle -that three is the only geometric figure that you can make an enclosure.
Now you probably read this as a mustard seed,but somebody kind of crossed up there-doesn't make any difference what it was except that it said the smallest of all seeds that can be put in the ground grows into a great tree that the birds can nest in the branches and the cows can sleep was in the shade and so forth. The word I got was it was a fig seed. I never saw a mustard plant that a cow could sleep under. I've seen many plants they could eat. A seed grows into something very large-again we start with a tiny point of awareness and not using it for sensory purposes, but to understand-to see relationships,and to comprehend what's going on from a psychological basis rather than to be concerned with whether it's going to make me comfortable or uncomfortable and this extends very quickly into a very large tree-but it has started as soon as you put it in the soil, is that right? And the soil is a little soil of comprehension. So when we put it there and begin to use it, it will begin to grow.

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