Sunday, March 29, 2015

Teaching idea #353

The more one thinks in opposites, the more unconscious one is.

Teaching idea # 351

There is nothing but death in opposites. It is a total barrier to evolving.

Teaching idea #359

Only X knows how to do anything.

Teaching idea #354

The idea of "owning" or "claiming" is deep sleep.

Teaching idea #356

Total integration is available right now. The question is "Can we lay down all that we have?" Laying down is ceasing to put importance on.

Teaching idea #358

We love our problems because it gives us a reason to feel sorry for ourselves.

Teaching idea #362

We cannot change ourselves. We can only be aware of what is there without judging it.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Teaching idea #346

Point of awareness can observe the conditioning, without identifying or trying to straighten it out. Only X knows what to do with the conditioning.

Teaching idea #345

Anxiety is fear of living

Teaching idea #308

Kingdom of God is peace, joy, balance. Not a place.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Teaching idea #46

Happiness is when you don't want to change anything. As long as we feel we have to gain something to be happy, we're in trouble. What value does feeling less than happy have for us?

Friday, March 20, 2015

Teaching idea #270

If we experience freely, we are peaceful. If we resist experiencing, we are in conflict.