Saturday, March 19, 2016


A. Expectation based on misconception leads to disappointment

1. That people will do what is right if they know what is right.
2. That other people know how they make me feel and will help me.
3. That if I complain, I will get my way.
4. That if I can get my own way, I will be non-disturbed.
5. That if I  please people, I will be non-disturbed.
6. That if I please people, they will do what I want.
7. That I can change myself if I make up my mind.
8. That I have rights that other people should respect.
9. That I would be happy if other people or something would be different.
10. That others would accept my conclusions and reasons.

B. Anticipation based on illusion leads to anxiety

1. Any unanswerable question leads to anxiety, any "what if"

C. Expectation and anticipation can be made conscious

1. When they are made conscious, justification based on illusions vanishes, bringing false expectation to an end.

D. Expectation based on fact leads to creative action

1. The fact is that the world is populated with infants in grown bodies with some technical education.
2. The fact that people can never do anything, which at the moment of doing, they do not feel is right or proper or justified.

E. Anticipation based on fact leads to the joy of experiencing

1. The fact is that each experience is perfect for that time and place, even though it may not suit our taste or be without discomfort.

Friday, March 18, 2016

A conscious person

21. Is in no hurry.
22. Sees 'what is'  clearly.
23. Does not listen to propaganda and does not get caught up in causes.
24. Does things for the joy of doing, not because he has to.
25. Uses simple good manners.
26. Is not sentimental.
27. Does not give advice.
28. Has no choices.
29. Pays attention.
30. Does not know what ought to be for anything or anybody, including self.
31. Makes NOTHING  important.
32. Sees the broad picture.
33. Is grateful for resistance.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A conscious person

11. Has reverence for all life.
12. Is in charge of his inner state.
13. Is at ease and peace wherever he is.
14. Has no problems, only challenges.
15. Is self determined, not other determined.
16. Can play any role consciously.
17. Is free of all conditioned ideas.
18. Does not turn his life over to any institution or anything or anyone else.
19. Is in charge of what he does, how he feels and how he acts.
20. Has nothing to be upset about.

Monday, March 14, 2016

A conscious person

1. Lives without conflict.
2.Makes no judgements.
3. Is happy with what is.
4.Has no need to change anything or anybody.
5. Is not controlled by suggestion, although he remembers
that he is 100% subject to suggestion 100% of the time.
6. Knows: What he is, where he is, what's going on, and what he can do.
7. Sees that the negative emotions are not to his advantage and does not identify with them.
8. Lives in the present moment.
9. Has no ideals to struggle for.
10. Is free to experience whatever may arise in his way today.

to be cont'd