Friday, September 13, 2019

From notes


There can be no opposites, there is only power which is neither good nor bad, male or female but totally neutral.

I blame "my" feelings (as outside entities) for how I behave. Feelings are my daydreams. I can only "feel" when I am asleep. In an awake state, I have sensations but not feelings, not emotions. I must create feelings and emotions by passing sensations through the screen of conditioning, through the "transformer," - the 1st. decision which distorts the sensations.

I, the intelligence, am the power. Feelings are the hangovers of infancy, santa claus, hob-goblins, etc. The only way I can be aware of "my" beliefs (my feelings) are to see them act in relationship to the moment of experiencing.

I am the only one who has power in in relationship to "I". I am the problem, I can be the joy. However, I am the power, I do create the "feeling", I make the stress. When I deny this, or refuse to look at it, I am playing (unconsciously) the role of the sleeping dying being.

As long as I believe that "my" feelings occur through you, from you or because of you, I can see no necessity to stay awake. 

From Notes


Danger does not come from the outside but from within. I AM THE DANGER. "My" basic misconception is the idea that "all my difficulties arise from without, outside of me". Something else or someone else is to blame. I am awake to others in an attempt to gain what they gain and to escape what they escape (or don't gain or don't escape) so I won't feel inferior, but "I" am asleep to "I" and the behavior that "I" indulge in. Outside psychological danger is only a daydream I have made up, a serial movie that I create.
No matter how I tag it, I still refuse to be responsible because I do not study and understand "I". I still am protecting the beliefs that I have accepted and am accepting. Because I refuse to be responsible, I still believe that others can "make me mad", that others can "worry me", that others are the "problems" that an anthropomorphic image is in charge and will take care of me, that I am a good kid and everyone else is pure trouble. Fine- as a sleeping conditioned machine, I am all that. As a living being, I can behave (act, play a role) as if I am limited and tied to all these misconceptions, but I can see that only unconscious machines can operate and destroy themselves in this fashion. As a living being, I can be responsible to see these beliefs, to see that I am in charge, to take the responsibility and to be responsible. I am doing it all, only I can do it all. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS THE POWER TO DO THE THINGS THAT I BLAME OUTSIDE FACTORS FOR. Those elements have no power. I try to force power onto them in my sleeping state.
I see that I AM  the power, therefore no outside persons can have any influence on me, nor can they be 'good' or 'bad'.
(more to come)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

From talk

Agape is a realization. That the person was doing only what he or she felt was right, proper, or justifiable at the time.

It's a recognition.

It's a pure intellectual seeing.

That you cannot do something that you feel to be wrong improper, or totally unjustifiable.