Divine Molecules are we, with the privilege to think, to reason, and to partake of this affair called life. We are working towards psychic evolution..from bondage to freedom.
1. To be aware of I, and what I do to I; to report what is, to protect the temple of the living intelligence, as if it were a precious gem.
2. To be ever aware of the Universe, and all I do in it. To work to understand existence, and the Law of the Universe.
3. To be mindful of the pitfall, and to use attention and effort without force or resistance to understand what is before me to do, that I might ask of the host for understanding.
4. To assist however, others to develop their Godly potentials when asked. To be aware of the environment, inner attitude, naturation, and that what they are doing they feel is either right, proper, or in some way justifiable.
5. To contribute to the party in what ever way presents itself, my gratitude for living. To be mindful, how far evolution has brought me.
6. To be aware that I do not know what should be, or what could be. To see always the LAW is. To be mindful, that I do not think I should change anything, or anyone; to be joyful and thankful for what is, and and be contented not to want to change myself or the world or anyone in it.
7. To be attentive
8. To ever discover Agape
9. To be harmless
10. To be considerate
11. To contribute to life
12. To be aware that life is a school, and that I might discover from all about me all the time what is; and to be thankful for what others remind me of. To realize that no man little or big is beneath me, but possibly a teacher of sorts, conscious or not.
13. Lastly, to be ever mindful that I am a function, the union of spirit and matter, am not the Big I, nor am I many little parts but a whole function with varied and different aspects, all of which function as they were designed, when I let it.