X’s capabilities are anything you can dream up. We doubt X is there. It’s there, but we forget about it easily. It will accomplish anything, but not necessarily in the way you want it to. It will choose it’s own method. It can do anything. It is what we refer to as Life. No one can, as yet, tell what life is. We can see life all about us, tree, a plant a cat, a person etc. Whatever it is, this thing is we call life, is real, does exist, and no one as yet found it’s limitations. It is unlimited as far as we can see. Universal powers and abilities come from knowing this, knowing it is there and is a partner with you, and it will do by it’s methods, not necessarily by what you tell it has to do by way of methods anything you say —“I am going to do this”. It will do it by it’s methods, not necessarily by what you tell it has to do by way of method or how. It like any person, does not take orders very well. No intelligent being takes orders very well. It will respond as any intelligent being will respond to an order, but you will not necessarily like the outcome. X so loves you, that it will do whatever you say I am going to do. Your job is to let it do it in it’s own method, not the method you dream up. X determines the method or the how. It will not take any advice on how it should be done. It will do it because it started to do it immediately when you made up your mind to do it. As long as we doubt it’s ability we prevent it’s functioning. It is doing the writing, the talking and the hearing. I do not know how to do this. I know what I want to say, and X does it. I just know what; X does the work. X hears everything and is not out of contact with anyone. One is never out of contact with X. How are you going to get in contact with X when you already are? When you can say without a doubt “I am going to do thus and so”, everyone better get out of your way. You will not know it’s method. You will be surprised by the method and experience the how. Have no doubt, no concern about the method. That is the nature of X.
1. To know singly what I am going to do. No two ways or two ideas about it (I want this but) just know what you are going to do and what you want.
2. Have no doubt about “I am going to do this”. And no concern about thee method of doing it.
3. Start acting as if it is already completed.
Now you are a very unlimited being, an integrated being, a union of X and awareness, a union of purpose and what I am going to do, not a want. A want is a wish. Purpose is “I am going to do this”. Will goes with this. I am willing to start in that direction. Do not confuse willingness with will power. Will power is is a perversion.; it is based on what I should/have/ought to do, that I think I know what ought to be. If I wanted to do it I would just as simply get up and go and do it; there is no will power involved here. Will power always enters the picture when I have a conflict about it and B is wrong and A is right. With real I there is no conflict. It is not the having that will produce the feeling; it is the state of doing. It is the action of doing that makes things happen. It is not the wanting. Wanting says you can’t have it or do it, so you want to have or do it, because you think you can’t. When you have no doubt or concern for the method, and you say I am this, it will do it.
Take charge of your own inner feeling. This is one of the greatest powers you could ever have. We work and do things and struggle hoping that it will produce a certain inner feeling; it never does. Only you can take charge of producing an inner feeling.
We get hung up because we say the word, and we don’t act like we believe it to be true. Saying or thinking something is not enough. We have to act as if along with what we have thought we want. “Oh Lord, give me this, give me that”, and then nothing happens. Words and prayers are utterly worthless. A wise teacher once said a person who heard some teaching ideas and acted upon them was like a wise man who built his house on a rock. Someone else who heard the same ideas and did not act upon them was like a foolish man who built his house on sand. It takes determination to act on thought. We don’t really ask with words. We are really asking with our action.