Monday, June 14, 2021

Quotes from talks

 You can have your inner state any way you want it, you can be fearful, resentful, or you can be a bundle of joy. 

Anxiety makes stress on the body.

Your mood is your inner state of being. Keep your mood up. 

Your mood is about the nicest thing you can have if it feels wonderful, it’s the most lousy thing you can have if it feels terrible. You are your inner state of being.

X is your partner at all times.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Letters from Rhondell

 Most calls for the past several days have been about “Not I” talk, that internal talking that goes on all the time. We tell people who call that all the Not I’s are liars. However, most Not-I’s are very cunning and seem to manage to convince the subject that the subject is having intuitive knowledge.

Intuitive knowledge is about the nature of mankind, life, relationships of body, awareness and X.

Not-I’s tell the subject that so and so is going to happen in the future; that a certain persons is planning to do something to the subjects disliking or disadvantage. Not-I’s claims to be knowers of the future and thoughts of other persons. In other words, they claim to be fortune tellers. 

If one allows self to be influenced by Not I’s, one’s inner feeling is is in serious turmoil. However, it is also fairly simple, if not easy, to send the Not I’s packing. 

One starts by seeing that Not I’s are concerned with setting an ideal of being totally non disturbed or non challenged. Then they suggest the justification of complaining, sticking up for rights, feeling put upon by others, quoting authorities to prove self/others wrong, demanding, self-improving, and blaming.

To send all Not I’s on their way from you, start by looking for challenges. Here are some examples:

I want the challenge of being the one to set a pleasant mood wherever I am.

I want the challenge to make some contribution in every contact I have.

I want the challenge of experiencing some discomfort in order to build my tolerance and endurance.

I am thankful I have the challenge of determining my own inner state. 

The practice of looking for and welcoming challenge proves to be a situation that the Not I’s do not have the capability to exploit.  We said the method was simple, we did not say it was easy-but that is a challenge also! So—-