Sunday, October 10, 2010

The three brains

We said today we would talk about peace of mind. In order to talk about peace of mind,we possibly would  find what minds do. Now we say that all the things that we do in studying esoteric studies, or studies of a spiritual nature, or knowing ourselves, is to allow development of a higher type of mind than is commonly evident to the world. Now the average mind is a stimuli response mechanism. You go a long as you say somethin' nice to it it purrs, and if you say something un nice to it and it blows up and I find some word will set you off, so I could use that word in your presence and it's like you had buttons on you and you can go along and push 'em. Now that obviously is not a very extensive type of mind. We can almost manufacture those in the factories and call them computers. Sometimes you don't even have to get that complicated it's just adding machines.  But there is evidence in the world of a higher mind. To let this higher mind develop is somewhat to our interest. Now it does not have to be developed, it will grow just like the human body grows if it has the proper climate for it.We read that there was many years ago that there were people in China who felt that it was the appropriate thing to do for ladies to have very tiny feet. So when they were tiny babies or very little girls they bound their feet with heavy bandages and in fact put them in casts. So that the feet wouldn't grow. Now nature bumped against this and made all kinds of distorted bones, but the little feet still remained little, they were cripples. So there was gradually as more understanding came along this fad went out they began to unbind their feet and their feet grew naturally. So it takes no effort for inner development or higher mind to take place except remove the obstruction to it. Now the obstruction to this development is conflict. Another way of saying it is resistance. Another way of saying it is would be struggle. Now as long as there is not peace of mind this inner development cannot take place. If there is peace of mind for 10 minutes, there is 10 minutes of inner development of higher mind taking place. If you don't have peace of mind for 7 weeks, you still have 10 minutes worth to start with and you do 3 minutes that time well then you have 13 minutes worth total inner development. So the more time there is peace of mind the more adequate there is the growth or development of this higher type of mind. Now let's see what obstructs or prevents peace of mind in as much as it's the climate in which this inner development takes place.
Now, first off how much of the time do you really feel you have peace of mind. Hmm? What percentage of the time do you think it is really peaceful and there is no conflict,no struggle, no resistance, there is quiet peaceful mind. How much time do you think, Ruby? (inaudible) well then your working to just to be sure getting it, I know. Be sure your getting it right and you don't miss a thing (laughs)cause you gotta be be busy getting your notes and everything down so you wouldn't miss so your still a little anxious is that right?Just a little anxious even when your here. So most of us have never allowed about one minute of inner development of higher mind. Now every mind or every situation has an organ. We have not seen a function in the human being that doesn't have an organ. It might be interesting if we take a few minutes to observe the organs of the various ways we operate so that we'd know about them, only vaguely and please that the names these brains that the mind operates through is unimportant. We can make 'em 1,2,and 3 just as easy but I will use a name on 'em but please it's totally irrelevant, just use 1,2, and 3. The first mind that is necessary is the mind that keeps the body operating it gets along quite automatic. An earthworm has about the same kind of brain for that as you and I do. It eats,digests,eliminates, and responds to painful stimuli that might be dangerous to it. It crawls towards pleasant things that aids it's survival. That brain is called the Medula amylgdala. It looks about like that. It's in the very center of the brain, down in the head and it is the upper extension of the spinal cord. Now it's really a vegetable now a tree probably has almost the same kind of brain in it, or at least it does the (cut out) now obviously trees can be alive and dead and they respond to stimuli you cut on the side of it, it heals, it blows and springs back, you cut off an arm it will heal over sometimes it will even grow one in place of it you know? So there is a mind in everything that fits this
like the medula amygdalaHmm? In other words it's a way of saying, of running. And it's an ideal one is it not sir? As long as I say, you told me to do it and I did it, I'm  running, it's all yours man I left it. So this is the 2 mechanical approaches we have to threats, fight or run. We have it in the picture of man as the basic decisions of A and the basic decisions of B. This one is to run (B) and we get scared and use it, and we fight and we get mad and we use it, you see you are always angry when you're complaining, sticking up for your rights or blaming and your kind of scared when you're cow towing to please people, put on a show that you're different, or quote your authorities to get out of it is that right? So that's the fighting or the running and these are mechanical. There is absolutely no consciousness involved in this it's just as mechanical as pushing buttons on a machine.
(to be continued)

1 comment:

  1. thank you for transcribing this value information. It is from Salt Lake City workshop fro 1971 and the recording is available under

    Mp3 Audio Files contributed by others for "The Ark"
    under links of interest
    At Marsha Summers.
