Thursday, June 26, 2014

From the place of language in the teaching

That part of the subjective frame of reference showing at the moment.

The real I, not using the subjective frame of reference.

what is fact as ascertained by at the moment, agreed upon by two or more.

Another word for LIFE, SPIRIT, that which IS, the real spirit and meaning of the matter, its value.

Referred to as "X" because it is UNDEFINABLE. The only intelligent power that exists, the reality within that does all the work.

The awareness FUNCTION of "X" and not a thing.

The motor FUNCTION of "X".

Claiming possession, treating the same as "I".

The conditioned awareness which identifies with EVERYTHING  as being "I", the self.

The awareness function of "X", totally objective, Self with a capital S.

A mechanical product of conditioned thought which is "I" but is not a part of the true I.

In Time
Being aware of NOW, that which has no beginning and no end, the only definition of eternity that holds up.

Out of time
Being in another world produced by imagination based on the past and future, neither of which exist NOW.

Doing when one would rather be doing something else.

Doing what one wants to be doing.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

From talk on Upper tone scale

You inner state of being can be your greatest asset or it can be your greatest liability.

Friday, June 20, 2014


It has been observed for some time that one of the valuable keys to a higher level of being is awareness of directing attention.
Attention is attracted by a multitude of stimuli; some noise attracts attention, and some not I says "This is totally unnecessary," and the emotion of anger arises; a few minutes later a musical melody attracts the attention and the person starts tapping in time to the music; then on the radio a news item attracts the attention by stating that AIDS is epidemic and fear arises. This goes on all day. Never once was the attention consciously devoted to any purpose or idea long enough to actualize anything.
It has been said that one becomes what one pays continuous attention to. Do you suppose that when doesn't pay attention to anything that one becomes nothing?
Let us visualize for a little while the activity of paying attention to thinking and acting, health, well-being, enthusiasm, thankfulness, sincere interest in others, outgoing friendliness, paying attention to the need of many about us for attention, approval, and appreciation. It takes very little attention to see a need and supply that need. This little exercise of visualization will show possibilities of service few have noticed.
Now is the time to focus attention and act upon the little outline above. In a very short time one will experience a higher state of being, expressed in many ways.
The attention is to be focused outward at all times. Any in-turning of the attention results in an ever lower state of being. The person with total attention on self is what is referred to as psychotic; on the other end of the scale is a person whose attention is totally turned outward. This person is called anything from a mystic to a super successful person, depending on what outside area the attention is focused on.
This is an experimental area that is of great value to pursue. May you experience the joy of it.

Bits and pieces of school work

Some people are called successful by the fact of what they have learned to know; some by the fact of what they can do; and some few by what they are.

Freedom & responsibility: the two sides of the same idea that results in a driving force and inner peace at the same time.

The greatest treasure a person can find is wisdom and understanding. Don't look for wisdom under a rock or at the bottom of the sea. Look to see what really motivates yourself and others.

Only the power of inner strength allows a person to be gentle.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Teaching ideas

55. If we discard all ideals we will not make any judgements.

56. Peace: We have ceased making anything important.

57. Our circumstances are in balance to our inner states because Spirit acts on our inner state.

58. The reason the inner state is so valuable is that that is what Spirit acts upon.

59. Blaming the body, the self or another is an illusion.

60. We don't have to straighten out anything or anybody.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Teaching idea 373

Anger, fear, boredom, apathy, resentment are symptoms of conditioning.

Teaching idea 389

The greatest thing a person can do is determine what we put our attention on.

Teaching idea #391

We all have the ability to determine what we put our attention on.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

From the place of language in the teachings

Action which is a replay of unconsciously programmed conditioning.

Action which is an answer to a situation from a consciously established frame of reference.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014

From The place of language in the teachings

a false idea, seeing what is not there.

A misinterpretation of that which is visible

"This" reminds me of "that," most often unconscious.

An objective, non-identifying aspect of attention, seeing what is. An uninvolved, objective point of view, the beginning rebirth of the true I.

RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES from the picture of man for 12 steppers

You and I and everyone else were born naked, helpless, unable to speak the language, and broke. Were we born with rights? Not really. We had one or usually two or more slaves to look after us.Were we born with privileges? Most definitely.
Do we have a right to life? It can be easily taken away. Is it not rather a privilege? What people think of as rights, but which can be taken away- food, shelter, clothing, transportation, power, wealth, affection, life itself-all are privileges. What can be taken away was given, therefore a gift. The world today makes much ado about human rights, as you well know. But make a list of them. Any that can be taken away cannot, therefore be rights, but are privileges.
The Science of Man teaching about rights and privileges is a whole new way of looking at life for most people. Do not believe the teaching, but check it out for yourself. Experiment, try to prove it wrong. Pay attention to what's going on here and then determine what are your rights and what are your privileges.