Saturday, June 6, 2015

Headlines excepts from pages 12-13

Man is the only unspecialized being on earth, so he must consciously choose a role and play it or he will be forced into a specialized role by another and be exploited.

A wonderful thing about choosing a role is that one can write the script, play the role and direct the performance. There are few accept this great gift, so there are few people who are described as truly great.

One cannot be cast into a role by another unless one is unconscious of, and thereby manipulated by, the four dual basic urges.

One can take on many roles and perform each at different moments.

A Master is one who, being aware of the four dual basic urges and the opposing methods of attempts to have them, consciously chooses the role of a master.

The Master sees the situation of the "now" so completely that the role is written, played and directed spontaneously.

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