134. Don't be seeking the first decision. (that the purpose of living is to regain the non disturbed state). Instead seek for your own personal integration, which is an end to all conflict. Then all other things will be added to you. Don't be impatient in getting it.
135. It has been said that it is extremely difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Integration) and one must become as a little child. Riches are anything a person depends on or has accumulated or protects, such as ideas, opinions, view points, ego, etc. To be as a little child is to be not knowing and teachable. It is to be inquiring instead of defending or protecting the self.
136. All resentment, anger, and aggression come from the conditioned belief that we have rights. Our solution to resentment, anger, and aggression is to realize that we have no rights. I do have privileges and I am free to enhance, to maintain and to increase my privileges.
137. Once a decision is made with feeling, it is the rule of attitude-action until it is unmade or re-evaluated. It is not what happened to an individual, but the decisions that were made about what happened.
138. If we are finding fault, we are looking through a misconception.
139. The awareness owns nothing. It is an observer and reporter only. X renders Not-I's inoperative, when they are observed and reported. They cease to be conditioning. They cease to operate the body.
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