Sunday, November 29, 2020

What's going on here?

 What am I?

Where am I? 

What's going on here?

What can I do?

Letters from Rhondell

 Most calls for the past several days have been about "Not I" talk, that internal talking that goes on all the time. We tell people who call that all Not I's are liars. However, most Not I's manage to convince the subject that the subject is having intuitive knowledge. 

Intuitive knowledge is about the nature of mankind, life, relationships of the body, awareness and X.

Not I's tell the subject that so and so is going to happen in the future; that a certain person is planning to do something to the subject's disliking or disadvantage. Not I's claim to be knowers of the future and the thoughts of other persons. In other words, they claim to be fortune tellers. 

If one allows self to be influenced by Not I's one's inner feeling is in serious turmoil. However, it is also fairly SIMPLE if not EASY to send the Not I's packing.  

One starts by seeing that not I's are concerned with setting an Ideal of being totally non disturbed or non challenged. Then they suggest the justification of complaining, sticking up for rights, feeling put upon by others, quoting authorities to prove self/others wrong, demanding, self improving, and blaming.

To send all Not I's their way from you, start by looking for challenges. Here are some examples:

I want the challenge of being the one to set a pleasant mood wherever I am. 

I want the challenge to make some contribution in every contact I have.

I want the challenge of experiencing some discomfort in order to build my tolerance and endurance. 

I am thankful I have the challenge of determining my own inner state.

The practice of looking for and welcoming challenge proves to be a situation that the Not I's do not have the capability to exploit. We did say the method was simple, we did not say it was easy - but that is a challenge also! so - - - - 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Teaching ideas 152

 152. THE GREAT LIE: Circumstance determines our inner state.

153. If we determine that we're in charge, then the circumstances are insignificant. 

154. Suggestions tells us that circumstances determine our inner state.

155. As long as we blame circumstances for our inner state, they are insurmountable. 

156. Our number one job is to make a total commitment to be responsible for our inner state of being. It is the most valuable commitment we make. Without doing this, everything else is nothing.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Teaching ideas# 389 391

 The greatest thing person can do is take charge of what one's attention is going to be on.

We all have the ability to determine what we put our attention on.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Teaching Idea 328

 As we act, so will we feel and we can act any way we want to. We are responsible for our behavior.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

More random quotes from Dr.Bob

 Making things important is not trusting in life or X.

Take an inventory of all the wonderful things today. 

Decide how you're gonna feel when you wake up in the morning.

Make a purpose to have a wonderful inner state of being and keep it that way.

Random quotes-ideas from Dr. Bob various talks

 It's dangerous to run around letting other people have charge of your inner state. If you saw that you would never forget it. 

Escapes can tear up the body

A victim can't do anything about his situation, he's just caught in it. Thinks that the only thing can happen is the rest of the world straighten up and change.

Contentment is the first acceptance of responsibility. It's something I can do. A sense of well being comes about. Blaming is the lower levels of consciousness.

Baby: 0% responsibility Adult: completely responsible for self 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Misc. quotes from misc. talks and private appointment

 Inner state if being-I can choose to determine it and that is truly freedom. 

If I see you as a threat, then I feel pretty bad. If I see you as a friend, I feel pretty wonderful.

Agape is a realization. That the person was only doing what he or she felt was right, proper, or justified at the the time.

It's a recognition. It's a pure intellectual seeing. That you cannot do something that you feel to be wrong, improper, or totally unjustifiable.

Justifying is saying, "I'm helpless"

Justifying is a way of lying. 

If it's interesting you feel pretty good. Make it interesting, not important. Put all struggle aside. 

Anyone who is any good at anything is just playing. (This one was from a private appointment)

Teaching ideas

 292. When we have a quiet mind, we have an inner development that grows naturally. A peaceful mind doesn't want to change anything. 

293. 'What is' is reality. 'What ought to be' is suggestion. 

294. Whenever I make anything important, I am anxious.

295. To know ourselves is an absolute necessity to evolve.

296. Disappointment leads to feeling. Then we look for blame, which leads to fear, guilt, anger, insecurity. All of this is stress, which the body is not designed to handle.

297. We have to be conscious to be in charge of our life.



 Universal intelligence- involved in relationships: on this planet-ecology: in the Universe- balance of planets.

Innate intelligence- (X) - involved in internal relationships to maintain the individual form. 

Educated intelligence- Individual mind)- Interested in having it's own way even though it destroys everything. As long as it is conditioned, it is subject to outside control by suggestion.

If it should discover itself, it sees the advantage of conscious relationship with X or innate intelligence: therefore it has the possibility of infinite survival.

Understanding= seeing relationships

Sunday, September 20, 2020


 We have all been conditioned to hold ideals in high regard, thus we all believe we know "What ought to be," for ourselves and others and all circumstances.

When we believe we know "What ought to be" - and all reality is "What is" - and in as much as "What is" is usually much different than our idea of "What ought to be," we feel frustrated and have the need to resist what is.

One can drop the Ideal by seeing that is merely a fantasy, and that we could not know what ought to be unless we knew the future, knew the outcome of every situation a week from now, a month from now, a year from now, and so on.

When we concentrate on the idea of the ideal for a little while, we can drop off all belief in the ideal. We then find ourself in the present and quite capable of dealing with the present moment. We will find we are free to experience what is from moment to moment and to respond instead of react because things are not as we fancied they ought to be.

Being free to experience whatever comes our way today is to be free of conflict, struggle and resistance. Conflict struggle and resistance is the only human problem.

One cannot believe in their Ideals and be free at the same time.

One starts with being free to experience whatever arises in one's way today, then one is free of conflict, struggle and resistance. Freedom is real being, now.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Basic Attitudes

 The basic attitude of the human mind that has not studied self that of blaming. This blaming may go under the guise of looking for cause or for reason for something. The mind is continually engaged in a generalized blaming and frequently in specific blaming.

This blaming originates from thinking in opposites. Thinking in opposites and blaming are two sides of the same coin. One cannot think in opposites and not blame--nor can one blame and not think in opposites. Blaming is judging. Thinking in opposites is judging. 

With the discovery that nothing nor nobody is to blame, there is renewing of the mind. This renewing of the mind is integration. Integration is a change in the basic attitude from that of blaming to that of responsibility. "I AM DOING THIS." 

Blaming is a bar against doing anything about anything. How can I...why should I...make any effort when you are cause and I am a poor little effect?

When "I" try to make you responsible for my feelings, I am blaming, am "I" not? You cannot choose my response to your actions any more than you can eat for me, can you? Would you resent me trying to make you responsible for my state of nutrition or feeling? Would the accusation "You didn't eat for me today!" or "You didn't make me happy!" be of equal value?

Does the sun make the person hot or did the the person go out in the sun and make self hot? Did one person make another angry or did the one set up an expectation of what he or she was entitled to and then make self angry because the ideal was not realized? Does the telephone disturb one or did  not one have the phone installed to have it ring? Does whiskey make one drunk or did one drink whiskey and make self drunk? Does coffee keep some people awake or do some people drink coffee and keep themselves awake? 

What is the state of the person who feels that this and that is to blame? What is the state of the person who sees that: "I am doing this"? Freedom? Is there any conflict in the latter? When there is no conflict in the mind, would you say that a person was integrated?


Sunday, July 26, 2020


We read in Ancient writing that man was told to take dominion over the earth, to subdue it and make it fruitful. This probably means to take charge of things, crops, mines, animal, etc Much of this has been done - Man raises crops, domesticates animals, builds shelters, builds roads, bridges, means of transportation and power, controls fire for the most part, obtains many substances from the earth, refines them for many uses of mankind; however, often without seeming to realize that when one tames anything, whether it is a plant, an energy, animal, or the earth, one is responsible for it.

Greed thus influenced mankind to merely gain dominion over these for gain and neglected the responsibility part of the transaction. All things can be dominated without injury to the environment. Of course, this may take a little from the profit; however, failure to do so results in great loss to life on earth now and in the future. This could properly be called exploitation, not dominion. So probably  little consideration has been given to the meaning of dominion.

It is possible for us to start considering daily the real meaning of dominion and to practice. This will set in motion a revolution in the thinking of mankind. Please don't fall into the trap of "I can do nothing," as all real changes start very small. One real action produces more results than a hundred protest movements or thousands of letters to the editor. Do something, plenty of others are just complaining. Complaining and blaming are just "Someone else should do it, but not I".

This blaming leads to the greatest of misunderstanding of the commission to take dominion of the earth; To take dominion over people. The only person one has responsibility to take dominion over is self. However, all blaming and complaining say very loudly, "I'm not responsible for me but everyone else is, so I should have some institution take dominion over all people and force them to do my will, take care of me."

So now as one looks about we see that more and more there is concentrated effort to take dominion over people.

This is done by laws, by suggestion, by advertising, by example, by threats, by, guns, by violence. This has been going on so long that it is merely accepted as the only way.

Possibly if one cares to really pay attention it is rather obvious that most of one's energy is spent attempting to gain control over others; and even though one gets it, control over others is very unsatisfying; so of course the idea is that there simply isn't ENOUGH control, therefore the effort to get more control, therefore the effort to get more control. Remember that what anyone controls, one is responsible for. Another practice: Eliminate all conscious and unconscious attempts to control others and use that energy to take charge of self.

Understanding the idea of dominion and practicing it can bring about a new world, first for self and then to will spread. This is a Teaching idea that anyone can use daily and one that practiced will bring about transformation.

Saturday, July 18, 2020


Energy goes to whatever I make important. When ever I make enough things important, I'm without energy.
I make it important that I make the PROPER things important. And I make it important that I do not enjoy anything because if I enjoy anything, it must be a waste of time.
Every day I have 100% supply of energy, but deplete it by making things important---sometimes (usually) down to 90%.
Others give us energy by making me responsible or blaming--
In order to not have a chaotic condition, I must use it immediately. When someone gives you a bunch of energy, you make use of it because it won't keep--like the manna of the children of Israel, if they tried to gather it for more than one day, it spoiled. Energy given to you by someone else must be used immediately.
When you make things important, it binds energy and lays useless.; no one can use it. You put handcuffs on yourself when you blame or feel guilty.
Taking charge of you life
I don't make things important, thereby keeping my energy. Whenever someone else gives me energy by making me resposible, I must use it immediately or I would be smothered by it.
Life is energy. All energy comes from God, and when we reject energy or throw it away by making things important, we are rejecting God or Life.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Habitual Attitude Part 3

Number 5 Boredom

Attitude-Action: Sloppy in personal habits, lazy. Likes crude humor. Doesn't see much or hear much. Not interested in new ideas. Doesn't want much. Doesn't want a job with much responsibility. Posture sloppy, leans on things. Grumpy most of the time. Yawns frequently. Always puts off until tomorrow. Frequently says: "I'm going to do that when I have time".

Condition: Has occasional acute illness, usually respiratory or digestive disorders. Accidents. Always tired, much below par. Getting old. Has infections from even slight wounds.

Number 6 Contentment

Attitude-Action: Likes people that like him. Allows others the right to their ideas. Talks on personal interest subjects, enjoys self most of the time. Looks neat, seldom grumpy, usually sober, kind. Does work well, not apt to study for self improvement. Keeps attention on present time and place. Inclined to let well enough alone. Inclined to let unfinished jobs accumulate.

Condition: General body tone tends to be flabby. Tires easily. Seldom sick, recuperates quickly. However generally below par and aging.

Number 7 Vital Interest

Attitude Action: Likes people, likes to investigate, and discuss new ideas. Mostly talks on serious subjects. Looks-sees-listens-hears. Likes humor. Accepts responsibility for self and betterment of environment. Erect, sober, pleasant, sees reason in events and behavior of all people. Has pleasure in creative work and play. Continues on a job until finished.

Condition: No sickness. Very few minor accidents. General body tone firm. Endurance moderate. Few signs of aging.

Number 8 Exhilaration:

Attitude-Action: Loves mankind-(Agape). Grants independence to all, recognizes others viewpoints as sincere. Sees relationships. Talks on any subject. Sees difference in people and things. Creative, gentle, spontaneous. Speech strong, swift. Listens and understands the others communication. Erect, balanced, smiles most of the time. Looks and sees balance in all events.  Likes good music and art.

Condition: No illness. Near accident proof. Great endurance. Excellent general body tone. No signs of aging. (Ageless).

Note: There are higher levels of consciousness on this tone scale.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Habitual Attitudes Part 2

Number 0 Attitude Action: Death

Number 0.001 COMA
Attitude Action: Apparent Death
Condition: Coma. Unconscious.

Number 1 APATHY
Attitude Action: Regrets the past. Dreads the future. Tells lies to get pity, anxious about self, refuses to listen, talks piteous about self. Slumped mouth way down. Head to one side or other as though unable to hold it up. Begs for pity by stories about self. Blames others all the time. Cries, makes moaning sounds. Says, "I hope so" as though he is saying,"What's the use."
Condition: About to fall apart. Chronic illness. If not one thing, then two others. Malfunction of all organs. Irregular discharge of body waste. Sighing breathing. Flabby, skin hangs from flesh. Can live here a couple of years, but getting worse and worse.

Number 2 FEAR
Tries to prove others wrong. Anxious about the future. Flips hands away from self when talking. Stooped, mouth down, head down, always hurries. Don't look directly at anyone. Doubts any idea that's new, likes and dislikes being alone at the same time. Talks of the past with regret. Looks for someway to criticize the motives of others. Voice rises and falls. These people are full of life because they are afraid to be thought indolent. Their jolliness is a front. They giggle instead of cry.
Condition: Chronic glandular and nervous disorders, headaches, digestive upsets, rapid weak heart action, breathing fast and shallow, fatigued, hungry. Constant overweight problems, especially in the face, arms, and legs. They are prone to have many accidents and serious illnesses. They are subject to mental disorders.

Attitude action: Gossips, makes insinuating remarks. Talks of the past. Says, "I can't". Doesn't accept as true anything told. Speech is halting. Forgetful. Says, "I just don't know". Dishonest with self, and thinks others are dishonest with them. Poor ability, tense, never relaxes. Walks, stands, and sits leaning forward. Mouth set. Looks out to the side. They are hard to work with because they kid themselves. They have all kinds of explanations and justifications. They are the revengeful type and will not forget one little thing. They usually have possessions and means because they hold on to everything they can get. They are distrustful of everybody because they do not really trust themselves. Very nervous.
Condition: Never feels good. Frequently has serious illness, often serious respiratory conditions. Usually thin with dry skin and underweight. Fast heart action. Spastic conditions. Skin disorders, cramps, muscular soreness, seizures, accidents, low grade infections. They often get Arthritis in the hands because they are always grasping. They frequently get migraine headaches.

Number 4 ANGER
Attitude Action: Since he is judgmental of others, he is usually critical of himself and is therefore very demanding.He goes, goes, and goes. He is very proud, his reputation being all important. Often antagonistic without reason. Can find fault with everything and everybody. Talks of death, war, and punishment. Believes all alarming statements. He usually has a hard driving desire to be very spiritual, having a very high standard of ethics.Money is important, and he is the first one to pay his bills, yet finding it hard to save. Keeps shoulders set, squints, keeps teeth clinched. Neck rigid. Fast, loud speech, tries to control people by threats, takes over conversation by butting in.Tends to invalidate all new ideas without investigation.
Condition: Fast heart action, blood pressure high. Arthritic conditions. Stones, bladder, kidney, constipation, gas, eye and ear trouble. Congestive disorders. He is tense, with a great deal of inner pressure which can explode in the joints as arthritis, or in the heart as an attack or stroke. Often has a pot belly, but is fat in the areas which do not get in his way--seldom in the arms or legs. (If he is thin, he is getting quite a bit of his anger from resentment) Usually has pretty good health until bang! The reason is that he usually works his energy off until his kidney, blood vessels and heart goes to pot.

Continued to part 3 soon

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Law of balance in one's habitual attitude Part one

1. BALANCE TONE: There is a constant balance between our Attitude and Actions and the condition we are in. This balance can best be understood by comparing it to the rate of vibration in tone. A high tone has a very rapid vibration. A low tone is very slow. No vibration is no tone, and would represent death. Tone might also be compared to light, which is also vibration. When a body is filled with light, having no darkness, there would be an energy frequency comparable to celestial tone. So Balance Tone indicates rate of tissue cell speed or rate of vibration. Tone is a matter of degree. There is a continuous ascending degree of tone or tissue rate of vibration from .001 or apparent death to a degree raised to nth or infinity.

2. ATTITUDE: Our attitude is our agreement or what we have decided or believe to be true, whether conscious or not. What one lives by, usually unknown, are decisions which distort perception. To change or remove the decisions is to improve perception or to remove distortion from perception. Attitude is the reflection of the decisions of the person in action or feeling.

3. ACTION: Action is always felt to be correct for the situation as perceived. If the perception is distorted due to decisions there is inadequate response resulting in held motion, thus stress. If the perception is for the actual situation, there is adequate response to the situation, thus creative action results.

4. FEELING: Feeling is always either a degree of fear or confidence. Fear may be referred to as a false feeling of emergency. Confidence may referred to as true perception. The more the person understands of forgotten decisions, the more he or she accepts responsibility for self and the betterment for his or her world. The less the person understands of forgotten decisions, the more dependent he is and the more he places blame. Thus the lower he or she is on the Attitude-Action tone scale.

5. HABITUAL ATTITUDE: All points on the tone or attitude scale are continuous. A person may very temporarily, but each individual has his habitual tone, due to un recognized decisions that distort perception. As the decisions are recognized, the tone raises.

6. TWO WORLDS: The man made world of blaming, controlling others, interest in self, stress, dissatisfaction and fear gradually diminish at the tone level of 5. From 6-13, the tone level represents the real world created by God which all are invited to enjoy as his guests. Each is a privileged, invited guest on the world. The Host has given each food, clothing, transportation, etc. around his plantation. Each who truly lives in this awareness tries his best to be a good guest, with every thought for the "Host". Boredom--#5, is the emptiness that comes as one ceases to be energized by the fear, resentment, and anger of the world, but is not yet nourished by the Light of the Truth from the Real World. Contentment, #6, is the beginning of the higher nourishment, but is lacking commitment to the Real World.

7. OBJECTS VS. OBJECTIVES: Up to 5 on the AAC (Attitude-Action-Condition) Tone Scale, the person is more concerned in striving for objects. From Contentment on up, the individual is more conscious of having the objectives of life rather than striving for objects. The person is enthusiastic rather than ambitious. Value is in work rather than what work may bring. Below this point on the tone scale, the decision is that objects make life worth while.

8. RESPONSIBILITY-BLAME PLACING: When an individual nears 6 on the AAC Tone scale, he answers more to self as cause of his problems. He no longer looks for someone or something else for blame, nor creates an entity such as a diagnosis on which to place blame as the cause. He accepts responsibility for self and the betterment of his environment.

9.INTEREST AND CONTROL: Below 6, a person centers his interest in himself and wants to control others in such a way that will serve self. His feeling is that if he can control others, he will have no need to control self. As one moves above 6, his interest centers in others because of the fascination he sees in them. He loses all desire to control others, finding control of self being attained.

10. STRESS VS. HARMONY: There is action in both worlds, but the man made world has action which produces stress while the real objective of action is HARMONY. The attitude of #1-#5 deal with dissatisfaction. The feelings below 6 deal with fear, above 6 deal with confidence.

11. PERSONAL INTEGRATION: The call of the father is union with him through love. Due to misconceptions, an individual feels a false feeling of threat or emergency and causes him to put up defenses which fracture or disintegrate the Light of Truth given him by God. It is the Truth that makes man free. Responsibility or Independence is a matter of degree. Some may study self to achieve enough responsibility to rid themselves of headaches and indigestion, but get no further. Some may study and observe to raise themselves to the tone of contentment, some to exhilaration, some to points much higher.

12. RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTY: The study of self or personal integration opens the way for the person to see and feel responsibility for self and differentiate duty for others from from responsibility.  No one can be responsible for another, even though there can be a duty for another.

NOTE: This is to be followed by the tone scale.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Originating center

It is my function to make up my mind as to what. X then does the work. This is my working conscious relationship with Spirit. This has been called being a man of Faith. This is as far as I can go. If I don't make up my mind as to what, I have no working relationship with X, Spirit, or any faith.

People who point out to others the foolishness of their beliefs--the so called truth--are not honored as having helped at all. They are nailed to the cross with a crown of thorns.

Truth for man is  what each man thinks is right for him to do...real truth is the key to rebirth, there is no rebirth without the truth. Repentance is the radical change of the thought process as regarding the purpose of living...then baptism, a baptism of light, fiery Spirit.

I am all things, I can play a role, a conscious role, the role of reporting being, a conscious being. There are many sub roles I play consciously during the day. These subroles are within the structure of the one great conscious role I choose to play.

From notes

What am I....priveleged invited guest.
Where am I and what is going on....I am at a beautiful estate, we are all playing a game--pin the tail on the donkey, or I am being played by the game?
What am I doing.....I am caught up in the game.
What can I do....I can see, I can enjoy what is, I can repent (radical transformation of thought), I can play a conscious game, create my own role.

I am a human being, therefore capable of playing a great number of roles. X is a role player. If I should falsely identify myself as a role, I feel life to be a threat. I can either consciously act out a role, or unconsciously react. All machines wear out. When I react I am a mechanical piece of machinery. Showmanship is the ability to make the commonplace appear interesting, unusual (putting joy into).

Not I's

"Not I's" are fortune tellers. They have been called familiar spirits, soothsayers, and various other exotic names.
There are two factions which we refer to as A and B. They are in total disagreement. What they disagree about is which series of false suggestions they sell to I to relay to X.
They each pretend to knowledge of right and wrong, good and bad, what is best and full knowledge of the future. Knowledge of everyone's motive. Of course, in total disagreement about each and all of these and all totally false.
They must be invoked, asked, prayed to in order to start them into action.

The formula for invocation is:

I want to do the right thing.
I want to be sure and do this right.
I sure don't want to make another mistake.
I want to do this all on my own.
I want to do what is best.
I just don't want to get hurt.
I just want to be sure I'm doing the right thing.
I wonder if I did right.
I wonder why he or she did that.
Why did that happen?
And all other unanswerable questions.
Remember "not I's" must be invoked in order to start their nefarious work.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Vanity and Pride

Vanity is having a false picture of self that one is better than others, more right than others, more talented or better talented than others. Pride is the defense of that false picture of self by fighting, running, or blaming others; therefore by becoming a victim of others who are victimized. Self esteem is a synonym of vanity.

Individuality is the expression of "X" in each individual form of Life, for instance, talents, self respect is recognizing what I am, where I am, what's going on here, and what I can do. This needs no defense. It is my way of saying "thank you". In the event that Pride has died, vanished or disappeared,  individuality and self respect is what remains.

There is little opportunity for individuality and self respect to be manifested as long as there is Vanity and Pride. The ultimate expression of Vanity and Pride is the Belief that I can figure out what is right, what is good, what ought to be, what I need, what you need. This opens the door for every demon in hell (all the NOT I's), to give you the answers to what is good, what is bad, what ought to be, what I need, what you need, what the future will be and why it is that way. The only catch is, they give two answers, directly opposing to each other---A and B. This is experienced as confusing, depression, worry, anxiety, anger, guilt, fear, insecurity, and leads one to look under rocks trying to find the ultimate answer. In as much as one continuously gets two answers, this is experiencing Hell -- this is Hell.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

An honest man

                                           The Perfect complete being

Sees that it is to his advantage for survival, that others wake up. Not important.

He sees that waking up consists in seeing that I am subject to the product of suggestion.

He sees there are many little I's all struggling within him for their rights.

He sees that to be able to repudiate a suggestion silently and cunningly, not to buy the suggestion, is to have one I.

He sees to be consciously selfish is to be free of greed and suggestion.

He sees that to be conscious is to be free of conflict and disintegration, thus unpredictable.

He sees that not to be consciously selfish is to be struggling for the ideal, the non disturbed, and the countless threats to his non disturbance of the ideal. He builds false explanations for his actions based on his feelings in relationship to his environment and others.

He does not ask why he is here.

He does not concern himself with the how of anything.

He sees there is a culture of living, thus removes all limitation.

He discovers and actualizes his potentials.

He sees that conditioning, influences and programming are an obstruction to the actualizing of potential what ever that might be.

He sees that the machine must eventually break down, due to struggling, resisting, and the stress upon the instrument.

He sees without evaluation or judgement what is.

He does not justify, or approve or disapprove of what others do, since he understands that what they are doing, they feel is right, or proper, or justifiable........Agape love....perfect for time and place.

He sees not opposites, only the what is.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

From notes

Divine Molecules are we, with the privilege to think, to reason, and to partake of this affair called life. We are working towards psychic evolution..from bondage to freedom.

1. To be aware of I, and what I do to I; to report what is, to protect the temple of the living intelligence, as if it were a precious gem.

2. To be ever aware of the Universe, and all I do in it. To work to understand existence, and the Law of the Universe.

3. To be mindful of the pitfall, and to use attention and effort without force or resistance to understand what is before me to do, that I might ask of the host for understanding.

4. To assist however, others to develop their Godly potentials when asked. To be aware of the environment, inner attitude, naturation, and that what they are doing they feel is either right, proper, or in some way justifiable.

5. To contribute to the party in what ever way presents itself, my gratitude for living. To be mindful, how far evolution has brought me.

6. To be aware that I do not know what should be, or what could be. To see always the LAW is. To be mindful, that I do not think I should change anything, or anyone; to be joyful and thankful for what is, and and be contented not to want to change myself or the world or anyone in it.

7. To be attentive
8. To ever discover Agape
9. To be harmless
10. To be considerate
11. To contribute to life
12. To be aware that life is a school, and that I might discover from all about me all the time what is; and to be thankful for what others remind me of. To realize that no man little or big is beneath me, but possibly a teacher of sorts, conscious or not.

13. Lastly, to be ever mindful that I am a function, the union of spirit and matter, am not the Big I, nor am I many little parts but a whole function with varied and different aspects, all of which function as they were designed, when I let it.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

4 pet ideas of not-I's (conditioning)

(1) I know what ought to be.

(2) I am capable of judging.

(3) I can know the future.

(4) I need power over my fellow beings in order to be in charge.

Teaching is about the fundamental issues of life - which is to see the truth which casts these conditioned ideas out.
Magic is the many techniques of trying to actualize the 4 pet ideas by solving a circumscribed precise problem produced by the 4 pet ideas of conditioning.
The idea that I know what ought to be keeps one in a state of struggle, conflict and resistance against what is. Struggle, conflict and resistance is the manifestation of the problem.
So, a magic formula is required to get rid of the problem. No one ever considers the source of the manifestation called "a problem".
The magic formula may be a potion commonly called a prescription, i.e. a tranquilizer, a mood changer, a deadening agent, a sedative. One may also obtain this magic potion of problem solving at the nearest bar. One may also resort to one's favorite pusher. One may resort to astrology, fortune telling or some other means of the occult to gain assurance that all will be well in the future for me, or that those bad people that are to blame for my situation will reap disaster.
At another time one may use the magic formula that all will be well and all will be as I know it ought to be in the future, I may repeat the affirmation that all is well, and that all will be in accord with my affirmation.
One may join a given institution because the institution agrees that my "what ought to be" is the WHAT OUGHT TO BE, and now with the force of the entire institution behind me, my "what ought to be" must of necessity brought into being in the future by the magic of numbers.
One may use the psychology of rejection and disapproval to force those who are the cause of my not having "what ought to be" to reform their ways. Also one may use the psychology or flattery.  Of course, one could also resort to psychological blackmail - "I will kill myself if you don't do what you ought to do".
These magical methods mentioned here are only a sample of the magical techniques to gain what I know ought to be.
Each of us is no doubt familiar with many more.
However, each magical method has a fundamental flaw. While frequently producing the result of solving a certain circumscribed problem it produces at least two other problems that now have to be dealt with.
The result of magic formulas is to promise much but delivers a far heavier burden that it ever relieved.
The pet idea that I can judge what is good and what is bad, of course is based on the idea that I know what ought to be. I know that I should never be disturbed in any way and in every disturbance, I can easily see what is to blame, and I can feel righteous indignation at the evil that lurks in the hearts of men, and that I alone can see through their evil and know that they know what ought to be and that they are going ahead doing wrong anyway.
Therefore it is my duty to use every method at my command to straighten them out and stop them from their evil.
I may use the magic of the LAW to bring them to their senses. I may make a wax figure and push pins into it. I may have them declared criminal or insane. I may use the magic of hate and in extreme cases   use the supreme magic of killing or at least want to. This, too, promises to bring one the blessed state
of non-disturbance but instead produce more misery.
The pet idea that I can know the future and therefore can avoid all disturbance of course is a fallacy because if I knew the future, all I could do is dread the coming disturbance and be more miserable longer. In the struggle the pet idea that "I can know the future" that one may resort to astrology, the tarot cards, the I Ching, the pendulum, the ouijii board, reasoning by logic "if A, then B, but on the other hand", consults one's computer, study ones biorhythms charts, study the guts of a sacrificed animal or bird, flip a coin, read the wall street journal and newsweek, consult a fortune teller. All of which leads to confusion, worry, expense and misery.
The pet idea that "I need power in order to be in charge" leads one to strain and overwork to get money, which represents power; to be overbearing, to climb the corporate ladder so that others must do as I say or be banished.
One may carry arms or become proficient in martial arts. One may obtain or earn academic degrees which proclaim that I am an authority and therefore others must do as I say or suffer the consequences.
I may become proficient in the psychology of manipulation and manipulate fellow human beings by psychological suggestions that appeal to the other persons motivations.
These magic formulas frequently solve the certain circumscribed problem; the problem being a sense of inferiority. The person that doesn't feel inferior has no need to control or be in charge.
Again, while these magical methods promise much and do really produce results of being in charge, they create twice as many problems, resentments and hates toward the magical operator that "the latter state of the man is worse than the first." Thus troubles and contentions arising on all sides. So much the method of magic.

Teaching is about basic principles of living the way that end all sense of problems and therefore the need for magical formulas.

Magic is the attempt to solve a problem.


(1)  To be knowing the not-I's and their pet ideas.
(2) To be in the state of self remembering:

1. What am I?

2. Where am I?

3. What is going on here?

4. What can I do?

When one remembers that I am the awareness function of X, a privileged invited guest, I see clearly that there is nothing in me that knows what ought to be; that there is nothing in me capable of judging whether any situation or any person is good or bad; capable of judging whether any situation or any person is either good or bad; that there is nothing in me that can know the future even one second ahead or even wants to.