What am I?
Where am I?
What's going on here?
What can I do?
Most calls for the past several days have been about "Not I" talk, that internal talking that goes on all the time. We tell people who call that all Not I's are liars. However, most Not I's manage to convince the subject that the subject is having intuitive knowledge.
Intuitive knowledge is about the nature of mankind, life, relationships of the body, awareness and X.
Not I's tell the subject that so and so is going to happen in the future; that a certain person is planning to do something to the subject's disliking or disadvantage. Not I's claim to be knowers of the future and the thoughts of other persons. In other words, they claim to be fortune tellers.
If one allows self to be influenced by Not I's one's inner feeling is in serious turmoil. However, it is also fairly SIMPLE if not EASY to send the Not I's packing.
One starts by seeing that not I's are concerned with setting an Ideal of being totally non disturbed or non challenged. Then they suggest the justification of complaining, sticking up for rights, feeling put upon by others, quoting authorities to prove self/others wrong, demanding, self improving, and blaming.
To send all Not I's their way from you, start by looking for challenges. Here are some examples:
I want the challenge of being the one to set a pleasant mood wherever I am.
I want the challenge to make some contribution in every contact I have.
I want the challenge of experiencing some discomfort in order to build my tolerance and endurance.
I am thankful I have the challenge of determining my own inner state.
The practice of looking for and welcoming challenge proves to be a situation that the Not I's do not have the capability to exploit. We did say the method was simple, we did not say it was easy - but that is a challenge also! so - - - -
152. THE GREAT LIE: Circumstance determines our inner state.
153. If we determine that we're in charge, then the circumstances are insignificant.
154. Suggestions tells us that circumstances determine our inner state.
155. As long as we blame circumstances for our inner state, they are insurmountable.
156. Our number one job is to make a total commitment to be responsible for our inner state of being. It is the most valuable commitment we make. Without doing this, everything else is nothing.
The greatest thing person can do is take charge of what one's attention is going to be on.
We all have the ability to determine what we put our attention on.
As we act, so will we feel and we can act any way we want to. We are responsible for our behavior.
Making things important is not trusting in life or X.
Take an inventory of all the wonderful things today.
Decide how you're gonna feel when you wake up in the morning.
Make a purpose to have a wonderful inner state of being and keep it that way.
It's dangerous to run around letting other people have charge of your inner state. If you saw that you would never forget it.
Escapes can tear up the body
A victim can't do anything about his situation, he's just caught in it. Thinks that the only thing can happen is the rest of the world straighten up and change.
Contentment is the first acceptance of responsibility. It's something I can do. A sense of well being comes about. Blaming is the lower levels of consciousness.
Baby: 0% responsibility Adult: completely responsible for self
Inner state if being-I can choose to determine it and that is truly freedom.
If I see you as a threat, then I feel pretty bad. If I see you as a friend, I feel pretty wonderful.
Agape is a realization. That the person was only doing what he or she felt was right, proper, or justified at the the time.
It's a recognition. It's a pure intellectual seeing. That you cannot do something that you feel to be wrong, improper, or totally unjustifiable.
Justifying is saying, "I'm helpless"
Justifying is a way of lying.
If it's interesting you feel pretty good. Make it interesting, not important. Put all struggle aside.
Anyone who is any good at anything is just playing. (This one was from a private appointment)
292. When we have a quiet mind, we have an inner development that grows naturally. A peaceful mind doesn't want to change anything.
293. 'What is' is reality. 'What ought to be' is suggestion.
294. Whenever I make anything important, I am anxious.
295. To know ourselves is an absolute necessity to evolve.
296. Disappointment leads to feeling. Then we look for blame, which leads to fear, guilt, anger, insecurity. All of this is stress, which the body is not designed to handle.
297. We have to be conscious to be in charge of our life.
Universal intelligence- involved in relationships: on this planet-ecology: in the Universe- balance of planets.
Innate intelligence- (X) - involved in internal relationships to maintain the individual form.
Educated intelligence- Individual mind)- Interested in having it's own way even though it destroys everything. As long as it is conditioned, it is subject to outside control by suggestion.
If it should discover itself, it sees the advantage of conscious relationship with X or innate intelligence: therefore it has the possibility of infinite survival.
Understanding= seeing relationships
We have all been conditioned to hold ideals in high regard, thus we all believe we know "What ought to be," for ourselves and others and all circumstances.
When we believe we know "What ought to be" - and all reality is "What is" - and in as much as "What is" is usually much different than our idea of "What ought to be," we feel frustrated and have the need to resist what is.
One can drop the Ideal by seeing that is merely a fantasy, and that we could not know what ought to be unless we knew the future, knew the outcome of every situation a week from now, a month from now, a year from now, and so on.
When we concentrate on the idea of the ideal for a little while, we can drop off all belief in the ideal. We then find ourself in the present and quite capable of dealing with the present moment. We will find we are free to experience what is from moment to moment and to respond instead of react because things are not as we fancied they ought to be.
Being free to experience whatever comes our way today is to be free of conflict, struggle and resistance. Conflict struggle and resistance is the only human problem.
One cannot believe in their Ideals and be free at the same time.
One starts with being free to experience whatever arises in one's way today, then one is free of conflict, struggle and resistance. Freedom is real being, now.
The basic attitude of the human mind that has not studied self that of blaming. This blaming may go under the guise of looking for cause or for reason for something. The mind is continually engaged in a generalized blaming and frequently in specific blaming.
This blaming originates from thinking in opposites. Thinking in opposites and blaming are two sides of the same coin. One cannot think in opposites and not blame--nor can one blame and not think in opposites. Blaming is judging. Thinking in opposites is judging.
With the discovery that nothing nor nobody is to blame, there is renewing of the mind. This renewing of the mind is integration. Integration is a change in the basic attitude from that of blaming to that of responsibility. "I AM DOING THIS."
Blaming is a bar against doing anything about anything. How can I...why should I...make any effort when you are cause and I am a poor little effect?
When "I" try to make you responsible for my feelings, I am blaming, am "I" not? You cannot choose my response to your actions any more than you can eat for me, can you? Would you resent me trying to make you responsible for my state of nutrition or feeling? Would the accusation "You didn't eat for me today!" or "You didn't make me happy!" be of equal value?
Does the sun make the person hot or did the the person go out in the sun and make self hot? Did one person make another angry or did the one set up an expectation of what he or she was entitled to and then make self angry because the ideal was not realized? Does the telephone disturb one or did not one have the phone installed to have it ring? Does whiskey make one drunk or did one drink whiskey and make self drunk? Does coffee keep some people awake or do some people drink coffee and keep themselves awake?
What is the state of the person who feels that this and that is to blame? What is the state of the person who sees that: "I am doing this"? Freedom? Is there any conflict in the latter? When there is no conflict in the mind, would you say that a person was integrated?