1. BALANCE TONE: There is a constant balance between our Attitude and Actions and the condition we are in. This balance can best be understood by comparing it to the rate of vibration in tone. A high tone has a very rapid vibration. A low tone is very slow. No vibration is no tone, and would represent death. Tone might also be compared to light, which is also vibration. When a body is filled with light, having no darkness, there would be an energy frequency comparable to celestial tone. So Balance Tone indicates rate of tissue cell speed or rate of vibration. Tone is a matter of degree. There is a continuous ascending degree of tone or tissue rate of vibration from .001 or apparent death to a degree raised to nth or infinity.
2. ATTITUDE: Our attitude is our agreement or what we have decided or believe to be true, whether conscious or not. What one lives by, usually unknown, are decisions which distort perception. To change or remove the decisions is to improve perception or to remove distortion from perception. Attitude is the reflection of the decisions of the person in action or feeling.
3. ACTION: Action is always felt to be correct for the situation as perceived. If the perception is distorted due to decisions there is inadequate response resulting in held motion, thus stress. If the perception is for the actual situation, there is adequate response to the situation, thus creative action results.
4. FEELING: Feeling is always either a degree of fear or confidence. Fear may be referred to as a false feeling of emergency. Confidence may referred to as true perception. The more the person understands of forgotten decisions, the more he or she accepts responsibility for self and the betterment for his or her world. The less the person understands of forgotten decisions, the more dependent he is and the more he places blame. Thus the lower he or she is on the Attitude-Action tone scale.
5. HABITUAL ATTITUDE: All points on the tone or attitude scale are continuous. A person may very temporarily, but each individual has his habitual tone, due to un recognized decisions that distort perception. As the decisions are recognized, the tone raises.
6. TWO WORLDS: The man made world of blaming, controlling others, interest in self, stress, dissatisfaction and fear gradually diminish at the tone level of 5. From 6-13, the tone level represents the real world created by God which all are invited to enjoy as his guests. Each is a privileged, invited guest on the world. The Host has given each food, clothing, transportation, etc. around his plantation. Each who truly lives in this awareness tries his best to be a good guest, with every thought for the "Host". Boredom--#5, is the emptiness that comes as one ceases to be energized by the fear, resentment, and anger of the world, but is not yet nourished by the Light of the Truth from the Real World. Contentment, #6, is the beginning of the higher nourishment, but is lacking commitment to the Real World.
7. OBJECTS VS. OBJECTIVES: Up to 5 on the AAC (Attitude-Action-Condition) Tone Scale, the person is more concerned in striving for objects. From Contentment on up, the individual is more conscious of having the objectives of life rather than striving for objects. The person is enthusiastic rather than ambitious. Value is in work rather than what work may bring. Below this point on the tone scale, the decision is that objects make life worth while.
8. RESPONSIBILITY-BLAME PLACING: When an individual nears 6 on the AAC Tone scale, he answers more to self as cause of his problems. He no longer looks for someone or something else for blame, nor creates an entity such as a diagnosis on which to place blame as the cause. He accepts responsibility for self and the betterment of his environment.
9.INTEREST AND CONTROL: Below 6, a person centers his interest in himself and wants to control others in such a way that will serve self. His feeling is that if he can control others, he will have no need to control self. As one moves above 6, his interest centers in others because of the fascination he sees in them. He loses all desire to control others, finding control of self being attained.
10. STRESS VS. HARMONY: There is action in both worlds, but the man made world has action which produces stress while the real objective of action is HARMONY. The attitude of #1-#5 deal with dissatisfaction. The feelings below 6 deal with fear, above 6 deal with confidence.
11. PERSONAL INTEGRATION: The call of the father is union with him through love. Due to misconceptions, an individual feels a false feeling of threat or emergency and causes him to put up defenses which fracture or disintegrate the Light of Truth given him by God. It is the Truth that makes man free. Responsibility or Independence is a matter of degree. Some may study self to achieve enough responsibility to rid themselves of headaches and indigestion, but get no further. Some may study and observe to raise themselves to the tone of contentment, some to exhilaration, some to points much higher.
12. RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTY: The study of self or personal integration opens the way for the person to see and feel responsibility for self and differentiate duty for others from from responsibility. No one can be responsible for another, even though there can be a duty for another.
NOTE: This is to be followed by the tone scale.
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