Sunday, November 28, 2021

Teaching ideas

 14. We are sowers of seed. What kind of seeds do we sow? Peace? Love? Joy? Our mood, attitude, is our seed. We live in that which we radiate.

20. We cannot control circumstances or how people treat us. We can choose our responses. That is freedom.

21. If we're looking for the ideal, it is impossible for us to be able to make a choice or decision. If we are not looking for the ideal, it is easy.

24. If we let circumstances determine how we feel, we are not in charge of our inner state. When we are responsible we can feel anyway we choose to feel. What (or who) keeps me from feeling good right now?

25. Guilt-fear of being embarrassed. 

27. Goal: Struggling after a predetermined result. Very stressful. Aim: A direction to go.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

From various writings

 There is nothing wrong with wanting to be non-disturbed. It’s only when we feel entitled to it.

We don’t need to straighten out anything or anybody. 

We have power when we accept blame.


1. We are aliens here, the people, natives all feel that everything they do is right, proper, and/or justifiable-And get quite upset at any suggestion to the contrary-we may think that we know something different is right, proper, and/or justifiable; but that idea is based on the rules of another world so we practice


                                               CONSCIOUSLY AT ALL TIMES

2. The people here like to be non-disturbed in their manner, customs, likes, and dislikes, reactions, etc. They get highly irritable at any disturbance of these. Therefore, we being aliens here can do well to be

                                                        CONSCIOUSLY CONSIDERATE          



The beings in this world we find self in have a custom or seemingly “a need” to feel constantly that the Individual is not responsible for I in any way. That “I” am a victim of something. In order to have these (to them) comfortable illusions, they suggest to I and each other, that I owns aspects of self, occupations and things instead of being. Seeing that this destroys these beings we are with, we will BE HARMLESS and not join in that particular game, or by the necessary associations with them and not being conscious, pick up the illusion and be HARMFUL to I, or if “I” have already picked up the custom, STOP.


4. In as much as we arrived in this alien world poorly equipped (to say the least about inability) to survive and found those present to be compassionate enough (from whatever reasons we know not-love, fear or guilt, sound asleep and thought we to be of them, etc.) to provide for us, until now we are relatively capable of making some contribution. One thing I can at least contribute, at all times, is to set a pleasant harmonious mood wherever I am.


          Having seen that I am an alien in a beautiful world of beings that sleep walk - operate rather mechanically, and feeling the inner urge to mimic that which I am around all the time, some few have gathered to work for the purpose of maintaining, enhancing and expanding consciousness by the art and practice of:




The art and craft of being conscious.

We are learning the ABC’s of a new life. We will consciously practice the four possible arts of survival (staying conscious) as outlined above (……..)


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

From Notes

 Goal setting vs.aim direction

1. Is my happiness dependent on having, doing, being, or others doing, being, or having blank, blank, blank, whatever it may be?

2. Has this person agreed within not to be happy until the goal is realized?

3. Would you be anxious to reach the goal?

4. Is to be anxious to have feelings of frustration and emergency?

5. Does this frustration and emergency result in bodily preparation to fight or run?

6. Does this produce internal conflict and stress?

7. Does it not appear that I have an unconscious motivation to be frustrated?

Escapes and substitutions. The following are automatic escapes from reality:

1. Drink.

2. Sex.

3. Religion.

4. Pursuit of education.

5. Distraction, such as worry and anxiety.

6. Civic work, doing good, helping others.

7. Political ideologies, race and creed.

8. Health foods, all other causes.

Do I create something as an escape?   Does this compound I’s problem as trying to escape the escape?

Does this lead to endless theories by those who profess to help with problems? Are these theories only more escapes? What is it that I want to escape?

A self originating being, a good guest, sees when to cooperate and when not to cooperate.

Monday, September 13, 2021

From notes

 Frustration—the feeling that arises in a person when he or she has set a goal and is failing to reach it. This is true regardless of what the goal is or what is preventing the realization of the goal.

The part of us which is conditioned is conditioned to do easy things. We tend to become weak and live by the 4dbu’s (of four dual basic urges) loosing the power to do. 

Real doing is going against some strong impulse of so called nature (4dbu’s). The doing implies a degree of liberation from mechanical living, thinking, etc. The idea must be given force or actualized in life for it to have any value. 

To act (inner)—making up the mind to some outer act by going in an opposite direction from the usual routine.

If I think being free is to satisfy the egotistic impulses (4dbus) I have not accepted the responsibility to serve Higher Power—being consciously awake. 

I am usually conditioned to drift passively with to ease, to please, to be comfortable with a new set of ideas as a justification to satisfy A and B. When A or B dominates I, disintegration takes place in the essence. I, or the essence, must be developed to dominate A and B. We must see the harmful effects of A and B at work on our essence and work to ask ourselves the question “Do I see what I’m doing?”


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Miscellaneous notes

 Conflict-to end it, we must know how to produce it. The easiest way is to try to be free from something.

Free to experience what ever arises in my way. 

What is important to me?

What am I anxious about?               

Is it possible that making things important produces anxiety?

Is anxiety making something important to continue that may change, or wanting to change something that may continue?

IF it were possible for you to change whatever it may be that you want to change, do you know what this would bring about in 6 mos. 1 yr 5 yrs etc? 

Do you know what your present situation would be had you done anything different in the past?

Would it appear that the desire to change is based on incomplete data?

What is the state of mind when there is acceptance of what one is, (which is constantly changing) and of the world (which is always changing)?

Could this be called peace of mind?

Is it possible to be objective without peace of mind?

Is it possible to have passive alert extensive awareness without peace of mind?

Is it possible to have spontaneous creative living (X-pressing) without extensive alert awareness?

Is this integration (the union of awareness and X)?

One usually believes from conditioning that finally, when everything is like ‘it ought to be’, there will be peace of mind. So from an unpeaceful, a fretful mind, one attempts to produce peace. This attempt is just another way to be in a state  of conflict-struggle-resistance, to continue dis-integration. Disintegration comes to an end whenever there is no conflict-resistance-struggle to change what is into my idea of ‘what ought to be’.

Again, do I know what ought to be?

From what “I” think “ought to be”, what will follow in 6 mos 1 yr, 5 yrs. etc.?

We simply do not know, do we?

When we don’t know what ought to be, is it possible to just accept what is without any struggle-conflict, resistance?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

From notes

 To make anything important is an absence of Trust in X or in God

We look for an authority because we don’t want to be responsible.

Ideal-picture in the mind

Love-agape: know that whatever you or I am doing, at the time of doing, we felt it to be right,proper or justifiable. Without agape we are ZERO,DEAD. With agape, we can pass from death to life. 

Suggestions consistantly offered that “If you do what I tell you to do, you’ll be safe. 

Any attempt to be safe induces fear. Acute fear might make one be half awake. 

To understand fear, one has to look at it. To look at it, one has to feel it. Then one could see that it was suggestion of future danger or insecurity that set off the fear. 

Concern with safety creates anxiety. “X” will take care of physical survival, but it is not interested in psychological safety. 

People sacrifice their whole lives to be “safe” A constant state of fear. 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

From Notes.

 Letting people do what you want them to do...the art of controlling, manipulating, controlling others; be conscious of this. It’s being done to you all the time. Watch out for the following;

1. Stick up for their rights for them. 

2. Complain for them, tell them how pious they are. 

3. Quote their authorities for them, to back up their beliefs.

4. Tell them how different they are, the chosen ones etc etc

5. Find someone or something to blame for them, that it will be different, that it should be different. Then they will realize their ideals. 

6. Give them permission to go and get it. You could control the whole world.

Hitler used these methods. All power seeking persons use these methods. When consciously used it is great power, the anti-Christ. Most use it unconsciously, either all, or part of these methods. 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Quotes from talk

 Four things you can do:

1. Be peaceful this moment.

2. Be earning a living.

3. Be healthy.

4. Gain privileges. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Quotes from talks

 You can have your inner state any way you want it, you can be fearful, resentful, or you can be a bundle of joy. 

Anxiety makes stress on the body.

Your mood is your inner state of being. Keep your mood up. 

Your mood is about the nicest thing you can have if it feels wonderful, it’s the most lousy thing you can have if it feels terrible. You are your inner state of being.

X is your partner at all times.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Letters from Rhondell

 Most calls for the past several days have been about “Not I” talk, that internal talking that goes on all the time. We tell people who call that all the Not I’s are liars. However, most Not-I’s are very cunning and seem to manage to convince the subject that the subject is having intuitive knowledge.

Intuitive knowledge is about the nature of mankind, life, relationships of body, awareness and X.

Not-I’s tell the subject that so and so is going to happen in the future; that a certain persons is planning to do something to the subjects disliking or disadvantage. Not-I’s claims to be knowers of the future and thoughts of other persons. In other words, they claim to be fortune tellers. 

If one allows self to be influenced by Not I’s, one’s inner feeling is is in serious turmoil. However, it is also fairly simple, if not easy, to send the Not I’s packing. 

One starts by seeing that Not I’s are concerned with setting an ideal of being totally non disturbed or non challenged. Then they suggest the justification of complaining, sticking up for rights, feeling put upon by others, quoting authorities to prove self/others wrong, demanding, self-improving, and blaming.

To send all Not I’s on their way from you, start by looking for challenges. Here are some examples:

I want the challenge of being the one to set a pleasant mood wherever I am.

I want the challenge to make some contribution in every contact I have.

I want the challenge of experiencing some discomfort in order to build my tolerance and endurance.

I am thankful I have the challenge of determining my own inner state. 

The practice of looking for and welcoming challenge proves to be a situation that the Not I’s do not have the capability to exploit.  We said the method was simple, we did not say it was easy-but that is a challenge also! So—-

Monday, May 10, 2021

Teaching idea 77

 If one decides to be miserable, he will be. We can be miserable if we set ideals of how things ought to be. If we have something interesting to do, we will not be miserable.

From talk

 The biggest misconception we have is that “I’m a victim”.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Miscellaneous information regarding the functioning of X

 X’s capabilities are anything you can dream up. We doubt X is there. It’s there, but we forget about it easily. It will accomplish anything, but not necessarily in the way you want it to. It will choose it’s own method. It can do anything. It is what we refer to as Life. No one can, as yet, tell what life is. We can see life all about us, tree, a plant a cat, a person etc. Whatever it is, this thing is we call life, is real, does exist, and no one as yet found it’s limitations. It is unlimited as far as we can see. Universal powers and abilities come from knowing this, knowing it is there and is a partner with you, and it will do by it’s methods, not necessarily by what you tell it has to do by way of methods anything you say —“I am going to do this”. It will do it by it’s methods, not necessarily by what you tell it has to do by way of method or how. It like any person, does not take orders very well. No intelligent being takes orders very well. It will respond as any intelligent being will respond to an order, but you will not necessarily like the outcome. X so loves you, that it will do whatever you say I am going to do. Your job is to let it do it in it’s own method, not the method you dream up. X determines the method or the how. It will not take any advice on how it should be done. It will do it because it started to do it immediately when you made up your mind to do it. As long as we doubt it’s ability we prevent it’s functioning. It is doing the writing, the talking and the hearing. I do not know how to do this. I know what I want to say, and X does it. I just know what; X does the work. X hears everything and is not out of contact with anyone. One is never out of contact with X. How are you going to get in contact with X when you already are? When you can say without a doubt “I am going to do thus and so”, everyone better get out of your way. You will not know it’s method. You will be surprised by the method and experience the how. Have no doubt, no concern about the method. That is the nature of X.

1. To know singly what I am going to do. No two ways or two ideas about it (I want this but) just know what you are going to do and what you want. 

2. Have no doubt about “I am going to do this”. And no concern about thee method of doing it.

3. Start acting as if it is already completed.

Now you are a very unlimited being, an integrated being, a union of X and awareness, a union of purpose and what I am going to do, not a want. A want is a wish. Purpose is “I am going to do this”. Will goes with this. I am willing to start in that direction. Do not confuse willingness with will power. Will power is is a perversion.; it is based on what I should/have/ought to do, that I think I know what ought to be. If I wanted to do it I would just as simply get up and go and do it; there is no will power involved here. Will power always enters the picture when I have a conflict about it and B is wrong and A is right. With real I there is no conflict. It is not the having that will produce the feeling; it is the state of doing. It is the action of doing that makes things happen. It is not the wanting. Wanting says you can’t have it or do it, so you want to have or do it, because you think you can’t. When you have no doubt or concern for the method, and you say I am this, it will do it. 

Take charge of your own inner feeling. This is one of the greatest powers you could ever have. We work and do things and struggle hoping that it will produce a certain inner feeling; it never does. Only you can take charge of producing an inner feeling.  

We get hung up because we say the word, and we don’t act like we believe it to be true. Saying or thinking something is not enough. We have to act as if along with what we have thought we want. “Oh Lord, give me this, give me that”, and then nothing happens. Words and prayers are utterly worthless. A wise teacher once said a person who heard some teaching ideas and acted upon them was like a wise man who built his house on a rock. Someone else who heard the same ideas and did not act upon them was like a foolish man who built his house on sand. It takes determination to act on thought. We don’t really ask with words. We are really asking with our action.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Not I’s

 “Not-I’s” are fortune tellers. They have been called familiar spirits, soothsayers, and various other exotic names.

There are two factions which we refer to as A and B. They are in total disagreement. What they disagree about is which series of false suggestions they sell to I to relay to X.

They each pretend to knowledge of right and wrong, good and bad, what is best and full knowledge of the future. Knowledge of everyone’s motive. Of course, in total disagreement about each of these and all totally false.

They must be invoked, asked, prayed to in order to start them into action.

The formula for invocation is:

I want to do the right thing.

I want to be sure to do this right

I sure don’t want to make another mistake

I want to do this all on my own

I want to do what is best

I just don’t want to get hurt

I just want to be sure I’m doing the right thing

I wonder if I did right

I wonder why he or she did that

Why did that happen?

And all other unanswerable questions

Remember “not-I’s” have to be invoked in order to start their nefarious work.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Teaching idea 146

 The living cycle is based on our perception of the four questions: 

What am I?

Where am I?

What’s going on here?


What can I do? 

There are no false feelings of emergency. We have true feelings (gratitude i.e.). Energy is generated to express that feeling which is created action. The body regenerates. The feelings of joy, love, peace, thankfulness, generate energy that regenerates the body.  

Sunday, March 21, 2021


 VANITY is having a false picture of self. That one is better than others, more right than others, more talented or better talented than others.

PRIDE is the defense of this false picture of self by fighting, running, or blaming others. Therefore, by becoming a victim of others who are victimizers. 

SELF ESTEEM is a synonym of vanity.

SELF RESPECT is recognizing what I am, where I am, what’s going on here, and what can I do. This needs no defense. It is my (or one) way of saying THANK YOU.

    In the event vanity and pride has died, vanished or disappeared, individuality and Self-respect is what remains.

    There is little opportunity for individually and Self-respect to be manifested as long as there is vanity and pride. 

    The ultimate expression of vanity is the belief that “I” can figure out what is right, what is good, what ought to be, what I need and what you need. This opens the door to every demon in hell (all the ‘not-I’s) to give you the answers to what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad, how the future will be and why it is this way, (the only catch is they give you two answers directly opposed to each other, A & B). 

This is experienced as confusion, depression, worry, anxiety, anger, guilt, fear, insecurity and leads one to look under rocks trying to find the ultimate answer. In as much as one continually gets two answers this is experiencing HELL. THIS IS HELL

Monday, March 15, 2021

From Notes

 The whole reason for studying is to be able to choose one's own inner state under any and all circumstances thus being able to report accurately what is, without any emotion, prejudice, etc.

In order to do this it is necessary to:

(1) To know the enemy (conditioning - the evil one), usually referred to as the the self (little s).

(2) To remember Self, what I really is, the awareness function of Self (X) the real self, And to remember where one is. In the presence of and in union with Holy Spirit. 

It is helpful to understand and see that Holy Spirit has two aspects; one - resistance to form. Attempts to make round forms, pushing down i.e., nature. Two - to create forms, maintain and adapt to external forces, thereby giving the opportunity for ever increasing survival value of the intelligence that creates, maintains and adapts forms.

X - Universal and Innate Intelligence

I - Awareness

In partnership

Sunday, February 21, 2021


 "I made up my mind that----" Decisions, conclusions, beliefs constitute the 'makeup of the mind'.

The makeup of the conditioned mind is that it is not free.

Suppose that I should discover this day: I AM FREE TO------

The big joke of all time is that man cannot discover that he is free. People fight for the belief that they are limited. People who point out to other people the falseness of their beliefs - the truth - are not honored as having helped the world, but are nailed to a cross of thorns.

The big joke of all time is that man cannot discover that he is free.

Monday, February 15, 2021

From notes

 If I think being free is to satisfy the egotistic impulses (4 dbu's) I have not accepted the responsibility to serve Higher Power--being consciously awake.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Two types of resistance


What I believe about my limitations- (not-I's)--such as I don't have time, I don't have money, I don't have ability. Self imposed second force is blame; it's all in the psychological realm.


This is applied by institutions which put all sorts of rules and obstacles in front of a person. Obstructions prevent you from being whole--rules to run your business which you do not need, etc. All of this is done unconsciously to confuse and agitate people. When people are confused they separate from conscious awareness. People are more easily controlled. There is no such idea as equality, management versus labor, male versus female, white versus black, age versus youth, wealth versus poverty. Man lives in a closed society. This is done through suggestion to get people to feel that they need regulations. Then the rules come. This produces a constant state of false feeling of emergency.

The greatest threat to consciousness is suggestibility. All difficulties come because we are highly suggestible, but we do not realize it. The weak spot in our structure is the suggestibility factor, but it can be our greatest strength when we are awake and aware.