Wednesday, December 29, 2010

See the joke part 2

In case you didn't have it strong enough. You increase it's intensity until you're in a terrific amount of conflict, struggle, and resistance. We say when we make anything important I am anxious. And if you make it important to achieve your ideal what state are you in sir? (anxiety). And anxiety is conflict, struggle, resistance. And then are you a 'good' person or in all probability are you a bit vicious? Tell me about it sir, huh? (You get vicious. )You scream at the kids and scream at the old man, you're vicious then.
(That's right.) You gritch about the neighbors up and down the street and the way they carry on, the way the husband behaves, the way the boss behaves, the way the money is, and the whole country has gone to pot. (that's not vicious that's righteous indignation -laughs) It gives you ulcers, yes I know.
 Anything that brings about violence between human beings is vicious. And as long as I have an ideal, will I be vicious? And the more ideals I pile up on top of ideals, inventions of man, what more,
will I be more and more vicious until I start world wars, is that right? Aren't all wars started over ideals sir? Aren't all conflicts started between you and another person over an ideal? (yes)
Do you see the joke in it?
Deliberately we do something to put ourselves into terrific agonizing misery and never allow the higher mind to develop and express within us, is that right? But do you see that. Do you see the joke in carrying an ideal around.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

See the joke

The fact is that still the higher the ideal you set up for somebody to live to the bigger the threat they've got, is that right sir? Because there's more threats to the ideal, more things that might bug him.
Now, what's wrong with experiencing being conscious of this world? Now I have found one interesting phenomena. A person with peace of mind is non vicious, you know, what you would call criminal. That's being vicious. I have found people with peace of mind peaceful to live with. I have found people in conflict, struggle and resistance, now matter how good they're trying to be, to be quite vicious. Have you possibly seen that in your line of work sir? (yes.Hmm? yes) So now are we interested in being good or being conscious? If you are conscious you obviously are  not in conflict, struggle, or resistance. You have peace of mind, hmm? You see being good or being kind and considerate is a by product of being conscious not a destination. It's a by product of peace of mind. We have peace of mind when we see the truth. Now it is peculiar that seeing the truth is being able to see a certain joke.  To see the truth is to see the joke.
When we see the fallacy or the joke in setting ideals, we have seen the truth, because then we ceased to be in a state of conflict, struggle, and resistance. We have seen the joke of the ideal. Now somebody's always layin' one on us, you know, you know what that means don't you? somebody laid one on you,they tie you up. So we get an ideal and we start livin' with it and we don't realize that that is the source of all our difficulty. Now the first ideal that we set up is this first little decision that the whole purpose of living is to be non disturbed by gaining pleasure and escaping pain on all levels. Then other people come along and accentuate that. 
(to be continued)

Friday, December 10, 2010

What is and what ought to be / agape

    So here is this stairway to the skies, that everybody is tryin' to get and it's struggle,conflict, and resistance. Now that's all because we made it important to have things like they ought to be and here is the only problem that any of us run in to. Now we get all kinds of emotions when we have these, those equal anger, guilt, fear, insecurity, now those all come along when we are trying to do the impossible. You can call all of them frustration if you want to, anxiety, whatever pretty word you like. Whenever you are trying to do the impossible, say just a simple thing like stand up and sit down at the same time, huh?You can't do that, is that right?You can't do it.  You can't deal with what is and you can't change it into a fantasy without being frustrated, and being in some sort of state of unpleasant emotion that a human being wasn't designed to have, anger guilt fear,insecurity,frustrations,anxiety and so forth you simply can't have. Now anything that's real I can do anything I want to with it. To some degree I can change it. I can paint the house green, I can tear down a wall, I can put in  a wall, I can tear the whole thing down or whatever, but I'm still dealing with what is but I can't deal with what ought to be and what should be. This is where we all start, I know what ought to be, I know what should be, I know what needs to be straightened up, and that of course is an illusion of the first water because we don't know what ought to be. We don't when it should rain, when it couldn't rain, whether it blows a storm or it shouldn't blow a storm, whether somebody should come along and say certain things to me, or whether certain events should happen in my existence, we don't know that. We don't know that other ought to do anything different than what they're doin'. Basically everybody is doing what they feel is right, proper, and justifiable with what light they have, and that's all we can deal with. Now we don't have to be in a state of conflict, struggle, and resistance at all times. The fact that most people are doesn't prove that it's necessary. It only says that without sufficient light this is what people are all doing. Now, uh, how many of you have really been reminded very many times in your life that you don't know what ought to be? Very few is that right?We never thought of it. We just knew we did, so we never questioned it, that I didn't know what ought to be, is that right.It took a while to get to that point didn't it?You started out in life like all the rest of us. You believed it with all your might that you knew what ought to be and consequently you had a lot of conflict with various and sundry things, and when you don't know what ought to be then you can deal with what is in one way or another or you can ignore it. It'll go away in a few minutes anyway. It only comes to pass anyway.

What and the how /meditation

Life so loves you that it will do anything you so want to do. It'll take care of the how, you take care of deciding what it is, okay? If you want to build a house why it knows how to build a house. If you want to get up and walk across the floor it picks the body up and walks across the floor. You don't know how to walk across the floor do you? You do it everyday, but you don't know, if I was to say,"well, let's stand up right now'  Would you know the first muscles you would tighten up? Just the first ones not the whole sequence, would you know the first ones huh? You wouldn't know. Okay. All you had to do is decide  I'm gonna stand up and a whole multitude of things went up and mechanically engineering impossible you're standing up, because really of all the weegles(?) in it you shouldn't be able to stand up. So our job is to figure out the what and this X, Life, Spirit within takes care of the how. But it refuses to turn the tables and because you wouldn't know how to do anything so it would be useless to tell it, but  mankind is very busy trying to turn the world upside down, it says 'oh lord you tell us what to do and I'll do it' and you haven't the foggiest idea how to stand up, you don't know how to swallow,  you don't even know how to breathe, you certainly don't know how to take a turkey sandwich and turn it in to flesh and blood, but that happens everyday, right? So I will tell you my definition of meditation if you like okay?
Meditation is lookin' at a given situation clearly concisely without emotion, just lookin' at it from all sides, clearly, until you understand it, which might take longer than we generally think it would. You know we all think we understand a thing just like that you know, which we don't. But if we looked at it quietly and carefully we would much more know what to do. And if we ever did come up clearly with the what, X, Spirit, God, whichever word you choose to use Life will take care of the how very quickly.
So I'm very much in favor of meditation if we are meditating on a given subject or thought.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The three misconceptions( from school talk 55)

(do I understand you right Bob, when you say that they're many misconceptions,but if we really work on these three,we pretty well covered..)
Covered the misconceptions,yes--all the others,some synonyms or another statement of these. That is the best I could come up with after observing and gathering out some 300 or so of them on paper. I think I could reduce them all of those to these three fundamentals

That I'm not a victim
That what anybody, including self, is doing ever has done or ever will do--at the moment of doing was felt to be right, or proper, or justifiable with what light they had.

That I have no 'rights' which I unconsciously want to stick up for. I have only privileges which I would like to enhance and get more. Further the only thing that can't be taken away is Truth which in fact is 'what is' at this moment


Holy Spirit
Giving life to all life
root of all creatures
moving all things
healing our wounds
wiping out our mistakes
you are our true life
luminous, wonderful
awakening the heart
from its ancient sleep

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Good morning raising

I can turn my attention outwardly. When we turn our attention outwardly, we can begin to put forth a bit of effort to make all those other people out there feel a wee bit better.  If everbody in this room is feeling real good, it's pretty nice, is that right? I'd have a hard time saying 'aaahhh' if everybody in here is feeling good, because a good mood is highly contagious, just like feeling grumpy is.
Now if you are in a room full of' grumpy' people, you'll find that it's a little difficult to raise the mood level, but at that moment I can decide that I have the conscious ability to raise the mood--none of the rest of the people are being conscious if they're going to keep their mood down.
So consciously I can raise the mood for the whole room. But even unconsciously -if you begin to raise the mood, a whole room full can raise those other few people. So if the world is not like you want it today; and I do read lots of things that I think most people have decided the world is going to Hades in a hand, thereby picturing an illusion that they are worse off.
So let's raise the mood to see how far I can reach out. Now I know a few people. You know a few people. Everybody else knows a few people, and if every one of us was in the mood raising business today, and that's a pretty good business to be in, I wonder how far out it go and what effect it would have? It doesn't sound like much; but if were just raising the mood a notch of everybody you came in contact with today, enough of it is going to run over, then they, possibly, will raise the mood a little bit of the next person they meet. Can you see that it wouldn't take too long for it to cover the whole world? Where does it start, with two or three people raising the mood?
Now you can do it whether you're running a business, or whether you work for someone else or even if you're staying home by yourself. Wherever you are, it's nicer if the mood is up, even if your home by yourself, have you ever tried that? It's an interesting experiment of value.
If you're driving in your car on the street, isn't it nicer to have your mood up? than it is wondering where that 'plough jockey' came from. That guy must have got his license in a crap game, blap blap blap. What are they all doing out here on the road. Don't they know it is my road, and here they are on it? You know, you can scream and holler all you want to, but you can sit there and have a good time watching everybody make things important. That is kind of interesting and you can think of it as entertainment. They all have clown suits on.
I have found that the favorite indoor sports of people is to make about everything important, no matter what it is.
Now I think it's a great big lot of fun to sit around and watch people make things important. A man called me from LA the other day and said,"I finally caught on to something, and I'm saving a lot of money.' "I used to go to the movies all the time to see a show." "Now I just go to stop on any corner, and there's a far better one going on, much better show going on with no admission fee."
So I don't know if that's good for the movie industry, but it was good for him. So here he was just having a ball because you can sit anywhere, and if you do look at a movie, you see what makes it a story is that practically all the people in it are making every insignificant thing important, and they have one person called the 'hero' or 'heroine' comes along and kind of sees through the whole show and gets it around to not making it important. Just more and more people make more and more and more things important, and it is funny! That alone can get your mood up if you are objective about it.

Rehabiting Tape 145

(Yesterday you talked about the phrase to rehabit. Could you talk about that)
Rehabit, so that's what we've been talking about. That we have a habit of looking at everything through a screen of 'what ought to be', 'what everything's needing'.
Now if your working with a person who is doing that, which happens to be 100 percent of the people, you put it in the terms that the person could understand. It's slow in degree and as simple a picture as you can get it down to until a person looks at things in a different way.
Nobody will change as long as they look at things the same way. So what your really working at is the person-not necessarily the technical frame of reference, but in their living frame of reference is for them to see differently. You don't do this in one fell swoop or one big blast, you do it by degrees according to the persons attention span and at best it's only about 30 minutes. And the person might see that they don't know what ought to be. They don't know what they need. Now all the old ideas are there and they are to be looked by degrees-slowly-and the better pictures and examples and for instances you can have, the better. And slowly the person develops a new frame of reference which means it's a new habit. Now to rehabilitate anyone means to go from the habits you did that was not satisfactory to the person and possibly everyone around them. So it's a new habit of looking at things.
Now if you have a habit of looking at yourself as a miserable bum, and the last few hours you've been looking at yourself as a pretty wonderful person, huh? Now that's rehabilitation, is it not. Pretty soon you won't have to think about having to do it, that's rehabiting. You're reminded quite frequently that you're about about to fall into the old one that you're a 'bum'. But you wake up and look at it in a different way, with a different set of words.
Now you can rehabit the way you see everybody else, ok? And the way you see housework, and the way you see teaching, and the way you see the students you work with. Every bit of it is rehabilitation. And all rehabilitation means that I see differently.
Now as long as I see the same old way, and seeing is not as accurate as people think. We see through the screens we have in front of us, quite often. So we think we're seeing it like it is, but there is many more ways to see it. Until a person has established another way of seeing, there is no rehabilitation, ok?
The man who commits a crime sees society as his enemy. He sees it as justified to take other people's property or injure their persons. As long as he sees them as a threat, it's pretty easy to justify it, isn't it?
Now if he should no longer see those people as a threat, or that people were a threat in general, he wouldn't see that crime is justifiable. So the only way he's going to be rehabilitated is if he sees differently. And the only way that's going to change is that they look at the fundamentals through which they look at things a little bit.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The 3 brains part 2

It'll do what you push the buttons on. You push one and it says eject and the little thing pops out don't it, Isn't that intelligent? you push another and it says record and it will record. You push another and it says play and it does that,isn't that wonderful? marvelous, hmm? really intelligent.
I read a story not long ago near that over in the east countries a number of years ago when Great Britain was putting out their Empire that they invited the little local kings to come over to see their wonders. So they invite them over and they showed them these big guns and they'd shoot them off and they'd hit the target and they'd say "Look at that!!Look at that!!it hit that target, right on there!" and showed them these tanks that could crawl up and down these ravines and not turn over, and they'd say 'Look at those things go! you can't stop 'em!!they just climb up and down, up and down' So this particular little ol' king thought that's a pretty nice deal and he stayed around 2 or 3 days and he went home. So a few days and he sat over and invite to invite all the governors and everything of the British people over to his little kingdom. They come over and he had a big dinner set for them and one of the servants came and whispered in his ear (inaudible) he said ''look at that, I don't understand it, he can speak!" they all looked at him like he was kind of nuts you know. So in the next morning he took them out and he showed them his horses in the big barn. And one of the horses was standing there nibbling some oats you know and he said, " look at that he can really eat!! he can eat oats!!" and you know,what's wrong with this nut. So he goes out and there's a horse an exercise boy is trotting around and he said, " look at that, he's moving around, he can pick his feet up! he can really move!isn't that wonderful wonderful wonderful!" well they decide they better leave this guys completely off his bean you know so they decide to leave and when they're all getting ready to go he said, " I want to tell you something. You invited me over to your place, and you showed me all your marvelous guns and your tanks and everything," and he said, " I invited you over and showed you my things, and all of my things, my horses my servants the people around, they do what their naturally made to do. The man talks and I understood him. That's natural. And the horse eats oats can  that's natural and the horse can walk and that's natural. But what I learned from you people is to get excited about it! You made a gun explode above his head and and hit the mark and you get excited about it. So this brain does what it's supposed to do and this one does what it's supposed to do, the only thing we've learned is to get excited about it, you know,you have a sensation, that's what it's supposed to do. Because the nature of the body is to sense but we get all excited about it you know, we haven't learned to just thank it you know. But now they thought he was kind of nuts when he got all excited about horses and people doing what they were supposed to do, but when the guns and tanks were doing what they were supposed to do, that was something to get excited about huh?. So we get excited about all these little natural phenomena.
 Now these are the 2 minds, the vegetative mind that keeps us merely surviving, eating, eliminating, digesting, perspiring, shivering when we get cold getting ducky bumps to conserve heat. It does a good job of keeping the internal temperature set, the internal climate going. Now that's fine, it's nothing to get excited about is it?Hmm? it's just the natural part. The other one as long as we interpret everything as threat it does the appropriate thing, fight or run. What else does it do? And it even picks up mechanically the most appropriate ways of doing it -whether if they're smaller get mad, if there bigger run. You know, simple. Then if you don't know which way to go you try 'em both at the same time that's when you get what's called frustration, you don't whether to fight 'em or run from 'em, it's still the same difference.
There is another brain which we have never used. We've never turned  it on yet.Very few people have even remotely kicked in the gear box or pushed the button to it. It's the greatest invention that's ever been mentioned been made to date, and it is called a Cerebrum. And it hooks up on here and covers all this other brain up it's got gobs of stuff in it. It is the seat of higher mind. Now 1 or 2 people as we talked last evening have interpreted distance as a challenge instead of a threat, so instead of going into a tizzy, they invented something, it came out of here.It knows all these things, once it is given a challenge, it is the source of revelation to us as to how to handle situations of challenge. But threats it don't bother with because that's already taken care of by the machine down here, it's in here and it's got it's own way to handle it. So as long as have been through living and interpret sensations as threats. Now we interpret painful ones or illegal, or else it will go away, I can't keep it. We live by mechanically interpreting everything as a threat. We are carrying around the greatest gift of all time inside the scull bone, totally unused, never turn on the button on whatsoever. But it's there, and will develop, and ever increasing development while we have peace of mind. Now in order to have peace of mind, we have to see what am I? I'm the interpreter. We could say I am the soul.  I don't have a soul, I am soul. Or, I am spirit with a little 's' I am interpreter. And when I do what I can do, there is no struggle, no conflict, no resistance.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Couple of quotes/exercises

You think you are thinking a thought but the thought is thinking you

Don't make anything important and keep your mood up

Think act feel. Think about how you'd like to feel and act that way for 20 minutes even if you don't feel that way. After that you will feel the way you want. Check it out.

(from school talk#53)
(certainly living in a state of grace is very different from living in a state of stress)
You'd better believe it.
(would you comment on this alternative to stress--that is, living in a state of grace)
 Well, I'm talking about making ourselves very available to grace. Grace is not making things important.
Grace is being in charge of my own inner state of being and being in charge of my responses to circumstance. Now it is grace that we even heard these teaching ideas.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The three brains

We said today we would talk about peace of mind. In order to talk about peace of mind,we possibly would  find what minds do. Now we say that all the things that we do in studying esoteric studies, or studies of a spiritual nature, or knowing ourselves, is to allow development of a higher type of mind than is commonly evident to the world. Now the average mind is a stimuli response mechanism. You go a long as you say somethin' nice to it it purrs, and if you say something un nice to it and it blows up and I find some word will set you off, so I could use that word in your presence and it's like you had buttons on you and you can go along and push 'em. Now that obviously is not a very extensive type of mind. We can almost manufacture those in the factories and call them computers. Sometimes you don't even have to get that complicated it's just adding machines.  But there is evidence in the world of a higher mind. To let this higher mind develop is somewhat to our interest. Now it does not have to be developed, it will grow just like the human body grows if it has the proper climate for it.We read that there was many years ago that there were people in China who felt that it was the appropriate thing to do for ladies to have very tiny feet. So when they were tiny babies or very little girls they bound their feet with heavy bandages and in fact put them in casts. So that the feet wouldn't grow. Now nature bumped against this and made all kinds of distorted bones, but the little feet still remained little, they were cripples. So there was gradually as more understanding came along this fad went out they began to unbind their feet and their feet grew naturally. So it takes no effort for inner development or higher mind to take place except remove the obstruction to it. Now the obstruction to this development is conflict. Another way of saying it is resistance. Another way of saying it is would be struggle. Now as long as there is not peace of mind this inner development cannot take place. If there is peace of mind for 10 minutes, there is 10 minutes of inner development of higher mind taking place. If you don't have peace of mind for 7 weeks, you still have 10 minutes worth to start with and you do 3 minutes that time well then you have 13 minutes worth total inner development. So the more time there is peace of mind the more adequate there is the growth or development of this higher type of mind. Now let's see what obstructs or prevents peace of mind in as much as it's the climate in which this inner development takes place.
Now, first off how much of the time do you really feel you have peace of mind. Hmm? What percentage of the time do you think it is really peaceful and there is no conflict,no struggle, no resistance, there is quiet peaceful mind. How much time do you think, Ruby? (inaudible) well then your working to just to be sure getting it, I know. Be sure your getting it right and you don't miss a thing (laughs)cause you gotta be be busy getting your notes and everything down so you wouldn't miss so your still a little anxious is that right?Just a little anxious even when your here. So most of us have never allowed about one minute of inner development of higher mind. Now every mind or every situation has an organ. We have not seen a function in the human being that doesn't have an organ. It might be interesting if we take a few minutes to observe the organs of the various ways we operate so that we'd know about them, only vaguely and please that the names these brains that the mind operates through is unimportant. We can make 'em 1,2,and 3 just as easy but I will use a name on 'em but please it's totally irrelevant, just use 1,2, and 3. The first mind that is necessary is the mind that keeps the body operating it gets along quite automatic. An earthworm has about the same kind of brain for that as you and I do. It eats,digests,eliminates, and responds to painful stimuli that might be dangerous to it. It crawls towards pleasant things that aids it's survival. That brain is called the Medula amylgdala. It looks about like that. It's in the very center of the brain, down in the head and it is the upper extension of the spinal cord. Now it's really a vegetable now a tree probably has almost the same kind of brain in it, or at least it does the (cut out) now obviously trees can be alive and dead and they respond to stimuli you cut on the side of it, it heals, it blows and springs back, you cut off an arm it will heal over sometimes it will even grow one in place of it you know? So there is a mind in everything that fits this
like the medula amygdalaHmm? In other words it's a way of saying, of running. And it's an ideal one is it not sir? As long as I say, you told me to do it and I did it, I'm  running, it's all yours man I left it. So this is the 2 mechanical approaches we have to threats, fight or run. We have it in the picture of man as the basic decisions of A and the basic decisions of B. This one is to run (B) and we get scared and use it, and we fight and we get mad and we use it, you see you are always angry when you're complaining, sticking up for your rights or blaming and your kind of scared when you're cow towing to please people, put on a show that you're different, or quote your authorities to get out of it is that right? So that's the fighting or the running and these are mechanical. There is absolutely no consciousness involved in this it's just as mechanical as pushing buttons on a machine.
(to be continued)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Acting and feeling

The whole thing you are interested in is your inner feeling or your attitude, okay? Now you can have any kind of attitude you want.   Now it seems that most people want a woe be gone pitiful sad attitude and so forth because that attitude has prevented them from being responsible most of their lives. And I think one of the things people dread most is being responsible for their inner states for themselves. In other words, if you would treat me nice enough and spend enough time pampering me I would feel very happy you know, but sometimes maybe you have other things to do and can't do that so then I better take charge of it or otherwise I'm gonna be sittin' around down in the dumps, is that right? So the attitude that one has determines much of your outer state. Now if you're getting an attitude that it's hopeless and worthless and it's all bad and I have nothing but trouble and every thing's gone wrong for me and every one's picking on me and all this kind of stuff then obviously nothings gonna happen to you except more of the same. Because you draw to you according to what your inner attitude is. Now we talk about takin' charge of your attitude right? Now one of the ways you can control your inner attitude is by the way that you're acting.
If you act like you're a very happy and delighted lady then your attitude will go with the way you are acting. But if you sit around and,' well oh, terrible and say nobody loves me, my business is going to pot and uh the economy is going to pieces and what if Reagan gets elected and what if we don't, well then we might get Carter, and oh God' Every thing's going to hell with it's back broke, okay? Then your  attitude is one of depression, self pity, hopelessness and etc. Then I'll guarantee you that all the things that will have materialized around you will match that attitude. So the attitude is probably the most valuable thing we have. You can call it your inner feeling or your attitude. I prefer inner feeling or inner state of being. Now if you're very enthusiastic, all kinds of nice things comes your way. You can go out to do business and everybody wants to buy from you, you don't have to sell very hard. Maybe enthusiasm is the selling key huh? If your enthusiastic everyone wants to buy. Or you can say 'Well (sigh) the economy is pretty bad and I don't know what'-well I better wait before I buy, about right? I mustn't spend any money. So the attitude or our inner feeling, call it what you like is the most valuable thing you have. It can be under control 100%, but in case you don't choose to take control it's bounced about by circumstances that may be around you. Some other nice lovely person comes around and treats you nice you feel pretty good.And they walk out of the way and  some other company comes along grumpin'  and you're down with them so then nobodies in charge, it's just happen stance of which wind that blows. Somebody said your attitude could be very like a chip on the ocean it's tossed to and fro with every wind that blows, or you can take charge of it and have what ever inner state you choose to have. I prefer to have one of delight, joy, confidence, and etc. and you can certainly have it. Now the fact that I say you can have it don't do a thing unless you act upon it.  But you can by the way you act produce an attitude or inner feeling almost immediately. Now people call up and they're acting on the other end of the phone sobbing and crying, pathetic voices, and I say knock that crap off! I don't listen to it, let me hear you, I don't want to listen to all this jazz, then they'll start laughin' and talkin' pretty good and in a few minutes I'll say how you feeling? and they'll say 'oh we're feelin' a lot better'. But as long as one just persists in having these sad depths of every things gone wrong I'm sorry for poor little me and etc then of course that's the way they're going to feel, and if you look about you can tell just about how everybody's feeling. All you go to do is look,see how they're sitting, how they're holding their facial structures, how the body is set and so forth  and you can tell almost exactly how their inner state is. Some of them is kind of glum, some of them is like Steiner very serious, some of them are having a pretty good time, some of them is very worried, and some of them are very depleted and tired, it's just to much trouble  to get up and give a gentle little smile or something and you know and certainly to act confident would be beyond their ability at the moment. So if you want to look around you can tell every body's inner state right now. It doesn't take any effort hardly at all to figure that out very quickly.
So you can remember one little word maybe, UP. If your chins up and the corners of your mouth are up, and your eyelids are up and your flashing a little bit, you ever notice peoples eyelids are all sad their eyelids hang you know, and you get everything up, you feel pretty good and when you get it all down you feel just like you're acting every things down. In fact people say I'm on a downer.
and then they spend years analyzing why this terrible stuff happened to you. So, it doesn't really matter why something happened to you, what's really worthwhile is gettin' out of it and getting to feel like you want to, isn't it?