Sunday, September 6, 2015

Goals vs. Purpose pt.4

Now where does the ideal and the goal originate. It comes straight out of the first decision, doesn't it? The pure little infant mind. The one your newest grandchild is getting ready to make shortly.

Now in purpose, do you have to do anything? No, but you're free to choose, you're free to choose this moment to be peaceful. Now if you come up and give me a little static and I want to defend myself and have my goal of being recognized, then I'm back at setting a goal.

But I don't have these goals, so I would agree with you - whatever you say or whatever it takes to agree with it. I may not believe or do it, but I would agree with you.

(well they may feel kind of cheated).

They're the one with the goal, so they're always being cheated. Everybody's got a goal, so they are always being cheated, okay? Is that right? When you have a goal you always feel cheated don't you? You never quite get there. Just like the man that chased the rabbit. He gained 50 percent on him in the first ten minutes. The next ten minutes he gained another 50% of that distance and so on, but he never catches the rabbit because the rabbit is running to. So it's always one half off.

But the minute I set up a goal,  I have to do certain things to achieve that goal. And the minute I feel I have to, I'm in a state of rebellion within. I don't generate energy. I feel beat up, whipped, but I feel I've got to be determined to go on. So I start driving myself to keep on at achieving that goal. The ideal would be, I just can't live without it, I must keep on driving.

The difference with purpose is what? - I'm doing it now. What am I interested in doing right now. So all you have to do is quit struggling after goals and you already have it, don't you, because all the anxiety in the world is struggling after goals and ideal states that can't be in the present moment. You're going to be well or you're going to be assured of something - etc. So we always have a goal out there. "What is" is what you have right now if you're not looking for the goal, isn't it?

Peace of mind is what everybody says, in the last analysis, is their goal. To be peaceful with themselves and peaceful with their environment and peaceful with their fellow man. True? But if you have a goal it's impossible to be peaceful with yourself. As you look you find the man made world makes it impossible to be peaceful with it until it is worked over, tormented, strip-mined until what?
Some goal has been attained. So we're not in peace with the environment. And then it follows that we can't be at peace with other people because they're in our way to get "that tail pinned on the donkey".
They're decidedly in your way, aren't they? Have you ever played that game? Everybody is blindfolded and turned around and around, and the goal is to pin the tail their each holding to a picture of a donkey on the wall. So as everybody goes around trying to find the donkey, they're poking those around them with the pin in the tail they're holding.

to be continued..

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